Chinese Text Project |
育 U+80B2 | Seal script | 毓 Alternate form Semantic variant |
Radical: | 肉+ 4 strokes = 8 strokes total. |
References: | Guangyun: p.455#46 Kangxi: p.976#14 Cihai: p.1091r2c04 GSR: 1020.a Hanyu: v3,p2052#05 |
Composition: | Component of: 𪟆 𠃴 𨛼 俼 唷 堉 淯 㛩 𫆡 㥔 𢯡 𦝑 𦱀 逳 棛 焴 㻙 𣣎 𣪟 𣨧 [More] |
Mandarin: | yù ㄩˋ |
Cantonese: | juk6 |
Tang reconstruction: | iuk |
Shuowen: | 《𠫓部》育:養子使作善也。从𠫓肉聲。《虞書》曰:「教育子。」 |
Guangyun: | 《廣韻·入聲·屋·育》育:養也,長也。余六切,二十四。 |
Kangxi: | 《康熙字典·肉部·四》育:《集韻》《韻會》《正韻》𠀤余六切,音昱。《說文》養子使作善也。《廣韻》養也。《易·蒙卦》君子以果行育德。《註》育德者,養正之功也。《疏》育養其德。又《爾雅·釋詁》育,長也。《詩·衞風》旣生旣育。《箋》育謂長老也。《書·盤庚》我乃劓殄滅之,無遺育。《傳》育,長也。《晉語》正名育類。《註》育,長也。又生也。《禮·中庸》發育萬物。《註》育,生也。又覆育也。《詩·小雅》長我育我。《箋》育,覆育也。又幼稚也。《詩·衞風》昔育恐育鞠。《箋》昔育,昔幼稚之時也。又地名。《前漢·地理志》育陽。《註》屬南陽郡。又《集韻》亦姓。又《集韻》直祐切,音胄。胤也。又《韻會》通作鬻。《詩·幽風》鬻子之閔斯。《禮·樂記》毛者孕鬻。《註》鬻,生也。又《集韻》或作毓。《前漢·五行志》孕毓根荄。又《韻補》叶音亦。《詩·大雅》載生載育。叶上夙下稷。夙音夕。又叶音乙。《黃伯仁龍馬頌》稟神祇之化靈,乃大宛而再育。資𤣥螭之表象,似靈虯之注則。 |
Fanqie: | 余六 (《廣韻·入聲·屋·育》) |
Unihan definition: | produce, give birth to; educate |
Example usage
《孟子·盡心上》: | 得天下英才而教育之,三樂也。 |
That he can get from the whole kingdom the most talented individuals, and teach and nourish them; this is the third delight. | |
《禮記·樂記》: | 天地欣合,陰陽相得,煦嫗覆育萬物,然後草木茂,區萌達,羽翼奮,角觡生,蟄蟲昭蘇,羽者嫗伏,毛者孕鬻,胎生者不殰,而卵生者不殈,則樂之道歸焉耳。 |
They will act in happy union, and the energies (of nature), now expanding, now contracting, will proceed harmoniously. The genial airs from above and the responsive action below will overspread and nourish all things. Then plants and trees will grow luxuriantly; curling sprouts and buds will expand; the feathered and winged tribes will be active; horns and antlers will grow; insects will come to the light and revive; birds will breed and brood; the hairy tribes will mate and bring forth; the mammalia will have no abortions, and no eggs will be broken or addled - and all will have to be ascribed to the power of music. | |
《揚子法言》: | 育而不苗者,吾家之童烏乎? |
Born but not yet sprouted, that was my young son Tong Wu! | |
《墨子·親士》: | 其直如矢,其平如砥,不足以覆萬物,是故谿陝者速涸,逝淺者速竭,墝埆者其地不育。 |
As to the chieftain of only a thousand people, he is straight like an arrow and smooth like a whetstone, unable to tolerate the manifold ways. For narrow gorges clog up rapidly, shallow streams are soon exhausted, and the barren land does not bear fruits. | |
《莊子·在宥》: | 今我願合六氣之精,以育群生,為之奈何? |
Now I wish to blend together the essential qualities of those six influences in order to nourish all living things - how shall I go about it? | |
《道德經》: | 長之育之。 |
Brings them to their full growth, nurses them. | |
《詩經·谷風》: | 昔育恐育鞫、及爾顛覆。 |
Formerly, I was afraid our means might be exhausted, And I might come with you to destitution. | |
《尚書·盤庚中》: | 乃有不吉不迪,顛越不恭,暫遇姦宄,我乃劓殄滅之,無遺育,無俾易種于茲新邑。 |
If there be bad and unprincipled men, precipitously or carelessly disrespectful (to my orders), and taking advantage of this brief season to play the part of villains or traitors, I will cut off their noses, or utterly exterminate them. I will leave none of their children. I will not let them perpetuate their seed in this new city. | |
《荀子·王制》: | 故養長時,則六畜育。 |
《說苑·雜言》: | 草木生焉,眾木立焉,飛禽萃焉,走獸休焉,寶藏殖焉,奇夫息焉,育群物而不倦焉,四方並取而不限焉。 |
《春秋繁露·諸侯》: | 生育養長,成而更生,終而複始,其事所以利活民者無已。 |
《韓詩外傳·卷三》: | 傳曰:太平之時,無瘖、𤼃、跛、眇、尪蹇、侏儒、折短,父不哭子,兄不哭弟,道無襁負之遺育,然各以序終者,賢醫之用也。 |
《大戴禮記·禮察》: | 湯武置天下於仁義禮樂而德澤洽,禽獸草木廣育,被蠻貊四夷,累子孫十餘世,歷年久五六百歲,此天下之所共聞也。 |
《白虎通德論》: | 君薨,適夫人無子,有育遺腹,必待其產立之何? |
《新書·權重》: | 勢不足以專制,力不足以行逆,雖生夏育,有仇讎之怨,猶之無傷也。 |
《中論·藝紀》: | 美育材,其猶人之於藝乎 |
《孔子家語·困誓》: | 樹其壤則百穀滋焉,草木植焉,禽獸育焉。 |
《潛夫論·述赦》: | 人君配乾而仁,順育萬以成大功,非得以養姦活罪為仁,放縱天賊為賢也。 |
《論衡·累害》: | 風衝之物不得育,水湍之岸不得峭。 |
《太玄經·上》: | 陽氣育物于下,咸射地而登乎上。 |
《風俗通義·六國》: | 蓋孕而三年不育,啟其左脅,三人出焉,啟其右脅,三人又出焉。 |
《孔叢子·諫格虎賦》: | 禽鳥育之,驛驛淫淫。 |
《申鑒·俗嫌》: | 曰:「力稱烏獲,捷言羌、亥,勇期賁、育,聖云仲尼,壽稱彭祖,物有俊傑,不可誣也。」 |
《新語·道基》: | 故曰:張日月,列星辰,序四時,調陰陽,布氣治性,次置五行,春生夏長,秋收冬藏,陽生雷電,陰成雪霜,養育群生,一茂一亡,潤之以風雨,曝之以日光,溫之以節氣,降之以殞霜,位之以眾星,制之以斗衡,苞之以六合,羅之以紀綱,改之以災變,告之以禎祥,動之以生殺,悟之以文章。 |
《蔡中郎集·胡栗賦》: | 因本心以誕節兮,凝育櫱之綠英。 |
《列子·天瑞》: | 吾盜天地之時利,雲雨之滂潤,山澤之產育,以生吾禾,殖吾稼,築吾垣,建吾舍。 |
《文子·上仁》: | 先王之法,不掩群而取镺𨱵,不個澤而漁,不焚林而獵,豺未祭獸,罝罘不得通於野,獺未祭魚,網罟不得入於水,鷹隼未擊,羅網不得張於皋,草木未落,斤斧不得入於山林,昆蟲未蟄,不得以火田,育孕不牧,鷇卵不探,魚不長尺不得取,犬豕不期年不得食,是故萬物之發若蒸氣出,先王之所以應時脩備,富國利民之道也,非目見而足行之,欲利民者也不忘乎心,即人自備矣。 |
《文始真經·六匕》: | 故羽蟲盛者,毛蟲不育。 |
《列仙傳·祝雞翁》: | 育鱗道洽,棲雞樹端。 |
《老子河上公章句》: | 不如守德於中,育養精神,愛氣希言。 |
《韓非子·觀行》: | 有賁、育之彊,而無法術,不得長生。 |
《管子·山權數》: | 民之能蕃育六畜者,置之黃金一斤,直食八石,民之能樹蓺者,置之黃金一斤,直食八石。 |
《淮南子·繆稱訓》: | 聖人在上,化育如神。 |
《呂氏春秋·察賢》: | 雪霜雨露時,則萬物育矣,人民修矣,疾病妖厲去矣。 |
《史記·周本紀》: | 薰育戎狄攻之,欲得財物,予之。 |
《春秋左傳》: | 四月,甲辰,鄭公子忽如陳,逆婦媯,辛亥,以媯氏歸,甲寅,入于鄭,陳鍼子送女,先配而後祖,鍼子曰,是不為夫婦,誣其祖矣,非禮也,何以能育。 |
《逸周書·小開解》: | 謀獲三極無疆,動獲九因無限,務用三德順攻,奸慝言彼翼翼在意仞,時德春育生,素草肅疏數滿,夏育長,美柯華,務水潦,秋初藝,木節落,冬大劉,倍信何謀本□時歲至天視。 |
《國語·楚語下》: | 其後,三苗復九黎之德,堯復育重黎之後,不忘舊者,使復典之。 |
《晏子春秋》: | 天明象而贊,地長育而具物。 |
《戰國策·范睢至秦》: | 五帝之聖而死,三王之仁而死,五伯之賢而死,烏獲之力而死,奔、育之勇而死。 |
《鹽鐵論·輕重》: | 中國,天地之中,陰陽之際也,日月經其南,斗極出其北,含眾和之氣,產育庶物。 |
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