Chinese Text Project |
胥 U+80E5 | ![]() Seal script | 𦙃 Semantic variant |
Radical: | 肉+ 5 strokes = 9 strokes total. |
References: | Guangyun: p.68#25 p.257#30 Kangxi: p.980#06 Cihai: p.1094r5c02 GSR: 90.e Hanyu: v3,p2064#10 |
Composition: | Top: 疋, bottom: 月. Compositionally related: 𦙬 . Component of: 谞 𭂘 偦 㥠 𡹲 壻 𤟠 婿 揟 湑 𩠋 𬨏 楈 𥚩 稰 𤸀 䈝 糈 縃 蝑 [More] |
Mandarin: | xū xǔ ㄒㄩ ㄒㄩˇ |
Cantonese: | seoi1 |
Tang reconstruction: | siu |
Shuowen: | 《肉部》胥:蟹醢也。从肉疋聲。 |
Guangyun: | 《廣韻·上平聲·魚·胥》胥:相也。《說文》曰:蟹醢也,又姓晉有大夫胥童何氏姓苑云琅邪人也,俗作胥。相居切,又息吕切,十一。 《廣韻·上聲·語·諝》諝:才智之稱。私吕切,九。 《廣韻·上聲·語·諝》胥:上同。又思余切。 |
Kangxi: | 《康熙字典·肉部·五》胥:〔古文〕𦙃《廣韻》相居切《集韻》新於切,𠀤音湑。《說文》蟹醢也。《韻會》言其肉胥胥解也。《周禮·天官·庖人註》靑州之蟹胥。又《集韻》助也,待也。又《廣韻》相也。《書·太甲》民非后,罔克胥匡以生。《傳》無能相匡。《前漢·楚元王傳》二人諫不聽,胥靡之。《註》胥,相也。靡,隨也。古者相隨坐輕𠛬之名。又𠛬徒亦名胥靡。《莊子·庚桑楚》胥靡登高而不懼。《註》胥靡,𠛬徒人也。《前漢·敘傳》史遷薰胥以𠛬。《註》胥,相也。又《集韻》皆也。《詩·小雅》君子樂胥。《傳》胥,皆也。又儲胥,謂蓄積待用也。《前漢·揚雄傳》木雍槍累,以爲儲胥。《註》有儲蓄,以待所須也。又官名。《周禮·地官》胥師,二十肆,則一人皆二史。《註》胥及肆長,市中給繇役者。《禮·文王世子》胥鼓南。《註》胥掌以六樂之會正舞位。又樹名。《前漢·司馬相如傳》留落胥邪。《註》胥邪似幷閭,皮可作索。又蝶名。《莊子·至樂篇》蝴蝶,胥也。《註》蝴蝶一名胥。《列子·天瑞篇》烏足之根爲蠐螬,其葉爲胡蝶。胡蝶,胥也。化而爲蟲,生竈下。又語辭。《詩·小雅》侯氏燕胥。《又》君子樂胥。又地名。《左傳·宣十二年》車及于蒲胥之市。又胥閭,門名。《穀梁傳·成元年》客不悅而去,相與立胥閭而語。《註》門名。又姓。《廣韻》胥童,晉臣。見《左傳·成十七年》。又人名。《左傳·哀十一年》桑掩胥御國子。《前漢·功臣表》復陽剛侯陳胥。又《集韻》寫與切,音諝。又蘇故切,音素。義𠀤同。又《正韻》山徂切,音蔬。同蘇。又《韻補》叶胥上聲。《班固·靈臺詩》屢維豐年。於皇樂胥。叶上廡雨。 考證:〔《周禮·地官》胥師,二十四,則一人皆二史。〕謹照原文二十四改二十肆。 |
Fanqie: | 相居 (《廣韻·上平聲·魚·胥》) 息吕 (《廣韻·上平聲·魚·胥》) 私吕 (《廣韻·上聲·語·諝》) 思余 (《廣韻·上聲·語·諝》) |
Unihan definition: | all, together, mutually |
Example usage
《孟子·萬章上》: | 天下之士多就之者,帝將胥天下而遷之焉。 |
Of the scholars of the kingdom there were multitudes who flocked to him. The sovereign designed that Shun should superintend the kingdom along with him, and then to transfer it to him entirely. | |
《禮記·王制》: | 將出學,小胥、大胥、小樂正簡不帥教者以告于大樂正。 |
When the time drew near for their quitting the college, the smaller and greater assistants, and the inferior director of the board, put down those who had not attended to their instructions, and reported them to the Grand director. | |
《揚子法言》: | 或問:「子胥、種、蠡孰賢?」 |
Someone asked: Among Wu Zixu, Wen Zhong and Fan Li, who was worthy? | |
《墨子·天志下》: | 是以差論蚤牙之士,比列其舟車之卒,以攻罰無罪之國,入其溝境,刈其禾稼,斬其樹木,殘其城郭,以御其溝池,焚燒其祖廟,攘殺其犧牷,民之格者,則剄殺之,不格者,則係操而歸,丈夫以為僕圉胥靡,婦人以為舂酋 |
Therefore they mustered their warriors and soldiers, and arranged their boat and chariot forces to attack some innocent state. They broke into its borders, cut down its fields, felled its trees, tore down its inner and outer city walls, and filled up its moats and ditches, burned its ancestral temples and seized and killed its sacrificial victims. Of the people the strong were killed, the weak were brought back in chains and ropes. The men were turned into servants and grooms and prisoners. The women were made to be waitresses (to pour wine). | |
《莊子·人間世》: | 昔者堯攻叢枝、胥敖,禹攻有扈,國為虛厲,身為刑戮,其用兵不止,其求實无已。 |
(Again), Yao anciently attacked (the states of) Cong-qi and Xu-ao, and Yu attacked the ruler of Hu. Those states were left empty, and with no one to continue their population, the people being exterminated. They had engaged in war without ceasing; their craving for whatever they could get was insatiable. | |
《史記·殷本紀》: | 殷民咨胥皆怨,不欲徙。 |
The people of Yin murmured and repined, for they did not like moving about. | |
《詩經·雨無正》: | 若此無罪、淪胥以鋪。 |
But those who have no crime, Are indiscriminately involved in ruin. | |
《尚書·太甲中》: | 惟三祀十有二月朔,伊尹以冕服奉嗣王歸于亳,作書曰:「民非后,罔克胥匡以生。」 |
On the first day of the twelfth month of his third year, Yi Yin escorted the young king in the royal cap and robes back to Bo. (At the same time) he made the following writing: 'Without the sovereign, the people cannot have that guidance which is necessary to (the comfort of) their lives.' | |
《荀子·大略》: | 虞舜、孝己孝而親不愛,比干、子胥忠而君不用,仲尼、顏淵知而窮於世。 |
《說苑·雜言》: | 伍子胥何為抉目於吳東門? |
《春秋繁露·王道》: | 故曰:齊侯衛侯胥命於蒲。 |
《韓詩外傳·卷一》: | 吳殺子胥,陳殺泄冶、而滅其國。 |
《大戴禮記·保傅》: | 楚有申包胥,而昭王反復。 |
《新書·耳痺》: | 子胥發鬱冒忿,輔闔閭而行大虐,還十五年,闔閭沒而夫差即位,乃與越人戰江上,棲之會稽。 |
《新序·善謀》: | 楚平王殺伍子胥之父,子胥出亡,挾弓而干闔閭,闔閭曰:「大之甚,勇之甚。」 |
《中論·藝紀》: | 大胥掌學士之版,春入學舍,采合萬舞,秋班學合聲,諷誦講習,不解於時,故《詩》曰:「菁菁者莪,在彼中阿。」 |
《孔子家語·在厄》: | 汝以諫者為必聽也,則伍子胥不見殺。 |
《潛夫論·論榮》: | 伯夷、叔齊,餓夫也,傅說胥靡,而井𦥑處虜也,然世猶以為君子者,以為志節美也。 |
《論衡·累害》: | 以軼才取容媚於俗,求全功名於將,不遭鄧析之禍,取子胥之誅,幸矣。 |
《風俗通義·十反》: | 干木息偃以藩魏,包胥重蠒而存郢。 |
《孔叢子·論書》: | 周文王胥附、奔輳、先後、禦侮,謂之四鄰。 |
《蔡中郎集·釋誨》: | 下獲熏胥之辜,高受滅家之誅。 |
《列子·天瑞》: | 胡蝶胥也,化而為蟲,生竈下,其狀若脫,其名曰鴝掇。 |
《鶡冠子·度萬》: | 夫法不敗是,令不傷理,故君子得而尊,小人得而謹,胥靡得以全。 |
《列仙傳·商丘子胥》: | 商丘子胥者,高邑人也,好牧豕吹竽。 |
《韓非子·難言》: | 故子胥善謀而吳戮之,仲尼善說而匡圍之,管夷吾實賢而魯囚之。 |
《慎子·知忠》: | 臣之欲忠者不絕世,而君未得寧其上,無遇比干、子胥之忠,而毀瘁主君於闇墨之中,遂染溺滅名而死。 |
《管子·輕重丁》: | 管子對曰:「請使賓胥無馳而南,隰朋馳而北,甯戚馳而東,鮑叔馳而西。」 |
《六韜·軍用》: | 太公曰:「凡用兵之大數,將甲士萬人,法用:武衝大扶胥三十六乘,材士、強弩、矛戟為翼,一車二十四人,推之以八尺車輪,車上立旗鼓,兵法謂之震駭,陷堅陳,敗強敵。」 |
《淮南子·說林訓》: | 再生者不獲,華大早者不胥時落,毋曰不幸,甑終不墮井,抽簪招磷,有何為驚! |
《呂氏春秋·不苟》: | 異,故子胥見說於闔閭而惡乎夫差,比干生而惡於商、死而見說乎周。 |
《春秋左傳》: | 夏,齊侯,衛侯,胥命于蒲。 |
《逸周書·芮良夫解》: | 今爾執政小子,惟以貪諛事,王不懃德以備難,下民胥怨,財力單竭,手足靡措,弗堪戴上,不其亂而,以予小臣良夫,觀天下有土之君,厥德不遠,罔有代德,時為王之患,其惟國人。 |
《國語·越語下》: | 又一年,王召范蠡而聞焉,曰:「吾與者謀吳,子曰『未可也』,今申胥驟諫其王,王怒而殺之,其可乎?」 |
《晏子春秋》: | 欒卻、胥原、孤續、慶伯,降在皁隸。 |
《吳越春秋》: | 葬七年,伍子胥從海上穿山脅而持種去,與之俱浮於海。 |
《越絕書·外傳本事》: | 曰:「吳有子胥之教,霸世甚久。」 |
《戰國策》: | 子胥忠乎其君,天下欲以為臣。 |
《鹽鐵論·非鞅》: | 文學曰:「比干剖心,子胥鴟夷,非輕犯君以危身,強諫以干名也。」 |
《列女傳·晉羊叔姬》: | 《詩》云:「如彼泉流,無淪胥以敗。」 |
《春秋穀梁傳》: | 子胥父誅於楚也,挾弓持矢而干闔廬。 |
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