Radical: | 臼+ 9 strokes = 15 strokes total. |
References: | Guangyun: p.200#22 p.433#15 Kangxi: p.1005#05 Cihai: p.1113r4c01 GSR: 889.a Hanyu: v1,p0253#09 |
Composition: | Component of: 𨞾 𫤂 𦦟 𭳢 𫵪 𢤀 𢸁 𢸾 嬹 𬅊 𡃳 𬋙 𬌐 𢤽 𤫂 𮁕 𮃴 𦢯 𦢰 臖 [More] |
Mandarin: | xīng xìng ㄒㄧㄥ ㄒㄧㄥˋ |
Cantonese: | hing1 hing3 |
Tang reconstruction: | *xièng *xiəng |
Shuowen: | 《》興:起也。从舁从同。同力也。 |
Guangyun: | 《···》興:盛也,舉也,善也。《》曰:起也,从舁从同同力也,亦州名戰國時爲白馬玄之地漢置武都郡魏立東益州梁爲興州因武興山而名。虛陵切,又許應切,三。 《···》興:許應切,又許陵切,三。 |
Kangxi: | 《··》興:《唐韻》《韻會》《正韻》𠀤虛陵切,音𨞾。《·》興,起也。《·》夙興夜寐。《禮·中庸》國有道,其言足以興。《註》興,謂起在位也。又《》盛也。《·》天保定爾,以莫不興。《箋》興,盛也。又《五音集韻》舉也。《周禮·夏官·大司馬》進賢興功,以作邦國。《註》興,猶舉也。又動也。《周禮·冬官考工記·弓人》下柎之功,末應將興。《註》興,猶動也。又《·》興迷亂于政。《箋》興,猶尊尚也。又《周禮·地官·旅師》頒其興積。《註》縣官徵聚物曰興。今云軍興是也。又《司稼》平其興。《註》所徵賦。又州名。《五音集韻》漢置武都郡,魏立東西州。梁爲興州,因武興山而名。又縣名。《李顒·涉湖詩》旋經義興境。又殿名。《張衡·西京賦》龍興含章。《註》龍興,殿名。又姓。《姓譜》漢濟陰王,謁者興渠。又《》《集韻》《韻會》《正韻》𠀤許應切,音嬹。《集韻》象也。又《韻會》比興。《增韻》興,况意思也。《周禮·春官·大師》敎六詩,曰風曰賦曰比曰興曰雅曰頌。《詩詁》興者,感物而發,如倉庚于飛,熠燿其羽,昔我往矣,楊柳依依之類。又《正韻》悅也。《禮·學記》不興其藝,不能樂學。《註》興之言喜也。《殷仲文詩》獨有淸秋日,能使高興盡。又《正韻》許刃切,音釁。《禮·文王世子》旣興器用幣。《釋文》音同釁。又《韻補》叶火宮切,音凶。《馬融·長笛賦》曲終闋盡,餘弦更興。繁手累發,密櫛𤴁重。重平聲。又叶虛良切,音香。《徐幹·雜詩》沈隂增憂愁,憂愁爲誰興。念與君相別,乃在天一方。《潘乾𥓓》實天生德,有漢將興。子子孫孫,俾爾熾昌。又叶丘侵切,音欽。《·》殷商之旅,其會如林。矢于牧野,維予侯興。 考證:〔又《掌均》平其興。〕謹按周禮無掌均之官,所引出地官司稼。掌均謹改司稼。 |
Fanqie: | 虛陵 (《···》) 許應 (《···》) 許應 (《···》) 許陵 (《···》) |
Unihan definition: | thrive, prosper, flourish |
興 |
xīng ㄒㄧㄥ (1.1): 起來,起身。 Get up, arise.
《·》: | 在陳絕糧,從者病,莫能興。 | When he was in Chen, their provisions were exhausted, and his followers became so ill that they were unable to rise. | 《·》: | 子興視夜、明星有爛。 | ' Rise, Sir, and look at the night, - ' If the morning star be not shining. | 《·》: | 從者病,莫能興。 |
xīng ㄒㄧㄥ (1.2): 升起,出現。 Rise up, appear.
《·》: | 禮樂偩天地之情,達神明之德,降興上下之神,而凝是精粗之體,領父子君臣之節。 | Ceremonies and music resemble the nature of Heaven and Earth, penetrate to the virtues of the spiritual Intelligences, bring down the spirits from above, and raise up those whose seat is below. They give a sort of substantial embodiment of what is most subtle as well as material, and regulate the duties between father and son, ruler and subject. | 《·》: | 禮樂順天地之誠,達神明之德,降興上下之神,而凝是精粗之體,領父子君臣之節。 |
xīng ㄒㄧㄥ (2.1): 興起,產生。 Create.
《·》: | 故古者聖王,明天鬼之所欲,而避天鬼之所憎,以求興天下之利,除天下之害。 | Therefore the sage-kings of old appreciated what Heaven and the spirits desire and avoided what they abominate, in order to increase benefits and to avoid calamities in the world. | 《·》: | 湯武者,脩其道,行其義,興天下同利,除天下同害,天下歸之。 | 《·》: | 四時代興,或暑或寒,或短或長。 | 《·》: | 後八十年,當有貴女興天下 | 《·》: | 言昔者聖人興天下之大利,除天下之大害,躬親其事,身履其勤,憂之勞之,不避寒暑,使天下之民物,各得安其性命,無夭昏暴陵之災。 |
xīng ㄒㄧㄥ (2.2): 創辦,建立。 Establish, set up.
《·》: | 信飭百官,眾功皆興。 | Authentic directions were given to the various officers, and their several labours commenced. |
xīng ㄒㄧㄥ (2.3): 倡導。 Advocate.
《·》: | 百姓咸服,偃兵興德,夷厥險阻,以毀其武,四方畏服,奄有天下,武之定也。 |
xīng ㄒㄧㄥ (3): 動,發動。 Move, start moving, raise (an army).
《·》: | 若使中興師,君子庶人也,必且數千,徒倍十萬,然後足以師而動矣。 | Have we not heard it said that, when a warring state goes on an expedition, of the officers there must be several hundred, of the common people there must be several thousand, and of the soldiers and prisoners there must be ten thousand, before the army can set out? | 《·》: | 禹乃遂與益、后稷奉帝命,命諸侯百姓興人徒以傅土,行山表木,定高山大川 | Yu, then in company with Yi and Prince Millet, having received the Emperor's orders, bade the princes and people raise a gang of men to make a division of the land, and following the line of the hills hew down the trees, and determine the characteristics of the high hills and great rivers. | 《·》: | 王于興師、脩我戈矛、與子同仇。 | The king is raising his forces; I will prepare my lance and spear, And will be your comrade. | 《·》: | 主不可以怒而興師,將不可以慍而致戰。 | No ruler should put troops into the field merely to gratify his own spleen; no general should fight a battle simply out of pique. | 《·》: | 秦穆公興師,將以襲鄭 | 《》: | 欒武子曰:不可以當吾世而失諸侯,必伐鄭,乃興師,欒書將中軍,士燮佐之,郤錡將上軍,荀偃佐之,韓厥將下軍,郤至佐新軍,荀罃居守,郤犨如衛,遂如齊,皆乞師焉,欒黶來乞師。 |
xīng ㄒㄧㄥ (4): 猶作。 Do.
xīng ㄒㄧㄥ (5): 推舉,選拔。 Select, pick out.
《·》: | 選賢良,舉篤敬,興孝弟,收孤寡,補貧窮。 | 《·》: | 三年則大比,考其德行、道藝,而興賢者,能者。 |
xīng ㄒㄧㄥ (6): 徵集,徵斂。 Collect.
《·》: | 以質劑致民,平頒其興積,施其惠,散其利,而均其政令。 |
xīng ㄒㄧㄥ (7): 興盛,昌盛。 Flourish, prosper.
《·》: | 太史公曰:國之將興,必有禎祥,君子用而小人退。 | 《》: | 對曰:國之將興,明神降之,監其德也。 | 《·》: | 國之將興,其君齊明、衷正、精潔、惠和,其德足以昭其馨香,其惠足以同其民人。 | 《·》: | 政之所興,在順民心 | 《·》: | 冬,詔曰:「國之將興,尊師而重傅。」 | 《》: | 二事:臣聞國之將興,至言數聞,內知己政,外見民情 |
xìng ㄒㄧㄥˋ (8): 喜歡。 Like, appreciate.
《·》: | 不興其藝,不能樂學。 | If he do not acquire the various accomplishments, he cannot take delight in learning. |
xìng ㄒㄧㄥˋ (9): 譬喻。 Metaphor.
xìng ㄒㄧㄥˋ (10): 《詩經》六義之一。 One of the six literary styles in the Book of Poetry.