Chinese Text Project |
蘇 U+8607 | Seal script | Jinwen | 苏 Simplified character |
Radical: | 艸+ 16 strokes = 22 strokes total. |
References: | Guangyun: p.84#41 Kangxi: p.1068#07 Cihai: p.1177r5c01 GSR: 67.c Hanyu: v5,p3327#07 |
Composition: | Top: 艹, bottom: 穌. Component of: 𧃅 𠫋 囌 𡚡 𡚢 𦣑 𫰅 𥗹 |
Mandarin: | sū sù ㄙㄨ ㄙㄨˋ |
Cantonese: | sou1 |
Tang reconstruction: | *so |
Shuowen: | 《艸部》蘇:桂荏也。从艸穌聲。 |
Guangyun: | 《廣韻·上平聲·模·蘇》蘇:紫蘇草也,蘇木也,滿也,悮也,又姓出扶風武邑二望。素姑切,四。 |
Kangxi: | 《康熙字典·艸部·十六》蘇:《唐韻》素姑切《集韻》《正韻》孫租切,𠀤音酥。《說文》桂荏也。《本草》紫蘇。《註》蘇,从穌,舒暢也。蘇性舒暢,行氣和血,故謂之蘇。蘇乃荏類,而味辛如桂,故《爾雅》謂之桂荏。又《揚子·方言》蘇,芥草也,江淮南楚之閒曰蘇。又木名。《詩·鄭風》山有扶蘇。《傳》扶蘇,扶胥,小木也。又流蘇。《西京雜記》昭陽殿壁帶往往爲黃金釭,皆銜五色流蘇。《司馬相如·上林賦》《註》蘇,析羽也。又息也。《書·仲虺之誥》后來其蘇。又死更生。《戰國策》勃然乃蘇。又取也。《屈原·離騷》蘇糞壤以充幃兮。《綱目集覽》取草曰蘇。又《韻會》蘇蘇,氣索貌。《易·震卦》震蘇蘇。《註》恐懼不安之貌。《王註》躁動貌。又臺名。《吳語》高高下下,以罷民于姑蘇。《註》姑蘇,臺也。又亭名。《後漢·郡國志》襄國有蘇人亭。又國名。《魏志·東夷傳》諸國各有別色,名之爲蘇塗。又姓。《書·立政》司𡨥蘇公。《傳》忿生爲武王司𡨥,封蘇國。又《集韻》山於切,音疋。詩扶蘇之蘇,徐邈讀疋。又《字彙補》蘇故切,音傃。《荀子·議兵篇》蘇刃者死。《註》蘇讀作傃,謂相向格鬭者。 |
Fanqie: | 素姑 (《廣韻·上平聲·模·蘇》) |
Unihan definition: | revive, resurrect; a species of thyme; transliteration of 'Soviet' |
CTP Dictionary
[Show proper names]Example usage
《孟子·梁惠王下》: | 《書》曰:『徯我后,后來其蘇。』 |
It is said again in the Book of History, "We have waited for our prince long; the prince's coming will be our reviving!" | |
《禮記·樂記》: | 天地欣合,陰陽相得,煦嫗覆育萬物,然後草木茂,區萌達,羽翼奮,角觡生,蟄蟲昭蘇,羽者嫗伏,毛者孕鬻,胎生者不殰,而卵生者不殈,則樂之道歸焉耳。 |
They will act in happy union, and the energies (of nature), now expanding, now contracting, will proceed harmoniously. The genial airs from above and the responsive action below will overspread and nourish all things. Then plants and trees will grow luxuriantly; curling sprouts and buds will expand; the feathered and winged tribes will be active; horns and antlers will grow; insects will come to the light and revive; birds will breed and brood; the hairy tribes will mate and bring forth; the mammalia will have no abortions, and no eggs will be broken or addled - and all will have to be ascribed to the power of music. | |
《揚子法言》: | 張騫、蘇武之奉使也,執節沒身,不屈王命,雖古之膚使,其猶劣諸。 |
Zhang Qian and Su Wu were admirable envoys. They maintained their integrity, were unconcerned with death and never abandoned their ruler's commands. Even the praiseworthy envoys of the ancients were inferior to them. | |
《墨子·非攻中》: | 於是退不能賞孤,施舍群萌,自恃其力,伐其功,譽其智,怠於教,遂築姑蘇之臺,七年不成。 |
Reaching home, however, he would not reward the orphaned or give to the numerous rustics. He depended on his own might, gloated over his success, praised his own cleverness, and neglected instructing and training his people. He built the Monument of Gusu which was not completed even in seven years. | |
《莊子·天運》: | 及其已陳也,行者踐其首脊,蘇者取而爨之而已。 |
After they have been set forth, however, passers-by trample on their heads and backs, and the grass-cutters take and burn them in cooking. That is all they are good for. | |
《商君書·賞刑》: | 萬乘之國,不敢蘇其兵中原。 |
A country of ten thousand chariots will not dare to assemble its soldiers in the plains of the Middle Kingdom. | |
《詩經·山有扶蘇》: | 山有扶蘇、隰有荷華。 |
On the mountain is the mulberry tree; In the marshes is the lotus flower. | |
《尚書·仲虺之誥》: | 攸徂之民,室家相慶,曰:『徯予后,后來其蘇。』 |
To whatever people he went, they congratulated one another in their families, saying, "We have waited for our prince; our prince is come, and we revive." | |
《周易·䷲震》: | 六三:震蘇蘇,震行无眚。 |
The third six, divided, shows its subject distraught amid the startling movements going on. If those movements excite him to (right) action, there will be no mistake. | |
《荀子·議兵》: | 以故順刃者生,蘇刃者死,奔命者貢。 |
《說苑·善說》: | 蘇秦行其說,而六國以安。 |
《春秋繁露·自序》: | 宣統己酉十月,平江蘇輿敬識於宣武門內小絨線胡同寓廬。 |
《韓詩外傳·卷八》: | 曾子有過,曾晢引杖擊之,仆地,有間,乃蘇,起曰:「先生得無病乎?」 |
《白虎通德論·三正》: | 朔者,蘇也,革也,言萬物革更於是,故統焉。 |
《新書·過秦上》: | 於是六國之士,有甯越、徐尚、蘇秦、杜赫之屬為之謀主,齊明、周最、陳軫、召滑、樓緩、翟景、蘇厲、樂毅之徒通其意,吳起、孫臏、帶佗、倪良、王廖、田忌、廉頗、趙奢之朋制其兵。 |
《新序·節士》: | 蘇武者,故右將軍平陵侯蘇建子也。 |
《中論·審大臣》: | 故《詩》曰:「山有扶蘇,隰有荷華。」 |
《孔子家語·六本》: | 有頃乃蘇,欣然而起,進於曾晢曰:「嚮也參得罪於大人,大人用力教參,得無疾乎?」 |
《潛夫論·慎微》: | 楚莊、齊威,始有荒淫之行,削弱之敗,幾於亂亡,中能感悟,勤恤民事,勞精苦思,孜孜不怠,夫出陳應,爵命管蘇,召即墨,烹阿大夫,故能中興,彊霸諸侯,當時尊顯,後世見思,傳為令名,載在圖籍。 |
《論衡·吉驗》: | 蘭與馬下卒蘇永俱之卜王長孫所。 |
《風俗通義·六國》: | 其後復有甯越、蘇秦、杜赫之屬為之謀,陳軫、召滑、樂毅之徒通其意,吳起、孫臏、廉頗之屬制其兵。 |
《孔叢子·廣名》: | 死而復生,謂之蘇。 |
《申鑒·雜言上》: | 蘇武之執節,可謂難矣。 |
《新語·輔政》: | 故蘇秦尊於諸侯,商鞅顯於西秦。 |
《蔡中郎集》: | 時處士平陽蘇騰,字玄成,夢陟首陽,有神馬之使在道,明覺而思之,以其夢陟狀上聞天子,開三府請雨,使者與郡縣戶曹掾吏登山升祠,手書要曰:「君況我聖主以洪澤之福,天尋興雲,即降甘雨。」 |
《列子·周穆王》: | 王俯而視之,其宮榭若累塊積蘇焉。 |
《列仙傳·幼伯子》: | 幼伯子者,周蘇氏客也。 |
《韓非子·存韓》: | 秦與趙為難,荊蘇使齊,未知何如? |
《管子·法禁》: | 故莫敢超等踰官,漁利蘇功。 |
《三略·上略》: | 樵蘇後爨,師不宿飽。 |
《淮南子·時則訓》: | 是月也,日夜分,雷始發聲,蟄蟲咸動蘇。 |
《呂氏春秋·知度》: | 桀用羊辛,紂用惡來,宋用駃唐,齊用蘇秦,而天下知其亡。 |
《史記·周本紀》: | 蘇代為周說楚王曰:「何以周為秦之禍也?」 |
《春秋左傳》: | 王取鄔,劉,蒍,邘,之田于鄭,而與鄭人蘇忿生之田,溫,原,絺,樊,隰郕,欑茅,向,盟,州,陘,隤,懷,君子是以知桓王之失鄭也,恕而行之,德之則也,禮之經也,己弗能有,而以與人,人之不至,不亦宜乎。 |
《逸周書·朱右曾序》: | 觀太子晉篇末云師曠歸未及三年告死者至亦似晉史之辭六國以後書始廣播墨翟蘇秦蔡澤呂不韋韓非蒙恬蕭何之倫以及伏生大小戴太史公時時節取此書意其時學者誦習亞于六藝故劉歆班固列之六藝書九家中未嘗以孔子刪定之餘夷之諸子雜家之例姜士昌曰邱明以博物君子臣素王以垂不朽誦法素土者不能舍左氏故諸家訓詁犁然甚具周書辭特深奧流俗畏難好易不復揅覈愚嘗味乎其言覃思久之夫孔注疏略且多訛闕餘姚盧文弨集諸家校訂間有所釋但恨其未備嗣又得高郵王氏念孫海寧洪氏頤烜之書校定正文及其義訓乃不揣鄙陋集諸家之說仍是刪違申以已意一攷定正文如文酌樹惠不瘱瘱訛為●糴匡企不滿壑企當為●之類一正其訓詁如大匡展盡不伊孔注曰伊惟也。 |
《國語·越語下》: | 范蠡不報于王,擊鼓興師以隨使者,至于姑蘇之宮,不傷越民,遂滅吳。 |
《吳越春秋》: | 躒躁摧長恧兮,擢戟馭殳,所離不降兮,以泄我王氣蘇。 |
《越絕書》: | 上姑蘇臺,則治射防於宅亭、賈亭北。 |
《戰國策》: | 蘇子謂東周君曰:「臣請使西周下水可乎?」 |
《鹽鐵論·非鞅》: | 蘇秦合縱連橫,統理六國,業非不大也。 |
《列女傳·宋鮑女宗》: | 女宗者,宋鮑蘇之妻也。 |
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