Radical: | 艸+ 17 strokes = 23 strokes total. |
References: | Guangyun: p.326#12 Kangxi: p.1069#32 Hanyu: v5,p3330#11 |
Composition: | Top: 艹, bottom: 黈. |
Mandarin: | tòng ㄊㄨㄥˋ |
Guangyun: | 《···》蘣:好皃又木苗出。 |
Kangxi: | 《··》蘣:《集韻》他貢切,音痛。《博雅》好也。又《唐韻》天口切,偸上聲。義同。又禾苗出也。 |
Fanqie: | 天口 (《···》) |
Example usage
《·》: | 蘣:好皃又木苗出。 |
《·》: | 蘣:《集韻》他貢切,音痛。 |
《·》: | ...嫙娙蘣𧟔袓 |
《·》: | ○飳妵黈蘣斢鈄䱏 |
《·》: | ...羊】○痛【一角一目說文防蝀也】蘣【視皃】□【女字】○洞【山脊他... |
《·》: | ...嫙娙蘣□祖 |
《·》: | 痛 |
《》: | 增蘣熒 |
《·》: | ...嫙娙蘣□祖 |
《》: | ...爽翕習春風含津吐榮鋪於布濩蓶扈蘣熒惡可殫形至於陽月陰慝害作百草... |
《·》: | 愉蘣逗... |
《》: | 愉蘣逗... |
The highlighted results are from texts in the Wiki section that may not yet have been adequately proofread. Please correct any errors encountered by editing the Wiki directly.You can examine all occurrences of this character or phrase in Pre-Qin and Han texts or Post-Han texts on the site.
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