處 |
chǔ ㄔㄨˇ (1.1): 居住,棲息。 Stay, reside.
《·》: | 上古穴居而野處,後世聖人易之以宮室,上棟下宇,以待風雨,蓋取諸大壯。 | In the highest antiquity they made their homes (in winter) in caves, and (in summer) dwelt in the open country. In subsequent ages, for these the sages substituted houses, with the ridge-beam above and the projecting roof below, as a provision against wind and rain. The idea of this was taken, probably, from Da Zhuang (the thirty-fourth hexagram). | 《·》: | 使天下荒亂,禮義絕,綱紀廢,強弱相乘,力征相攘,臣主無差,貴賤無序,甲胄生蟣虱,燕雀處帷幄,而兵不休息,而乃始服屬臾之貌,恭儉之禮,則必滅抑而不能興矣。 |
chǔ ㄔㄨˇ (1.2): 安頓。 Settle.
《·》: | 孔子年三十五,而季平子與郈昭伯以鬬雞故得罪魯昭公,昭公率師擊平子,平子與孟氏、叔孫氏三家共攻昭公,昭公師敗,奔於齊,齊處昭公乾侯。 |
chǔ ㄔㄨˇ (1.3): 在,立身。 Be in, located in.
《·》: | 是故身處江海之上,而神游魏闕之下。 | 《·》: | 老子曰:身處江海之上,心在魏闕之下,即重生,重生即輕利矣。 |
chǔ ㄔㄨˇ (1.4): 退隱。 Retire.
《·》: | 子曰:「君子之道,或出或處,或默或語,二人同心,其利斷金。」 |
chǔ ㄔㄨˇ (2): 擔任,委任。 Appoint, serve in office.
《·》: | 語曰:繒丘之封人,見楚相孫叔敖曰:「吾聞之也:處官久者士妒之,祿厚者民怨之,位尊者君恨之。」 |
chǔ ㄔㄨˇ (3.1): 止,休息。 Stop, rest.
《·》: | 子墨子曰:「今有人於此,有子十人,一人耕而九人處,則耕者不可以不益急矣。」 | Mozi replied: Suppose a man has ten sons. Only one attends to the farm while the other nine stay at home. Then the farmer must work all the more vigorously. | 《·》: | 是故卷甲而趨,日夜不處,倍道兼行,百里而爭利,則擒三將軍,勁者先,疲者後,其法十一而至。 | Thus, if you order your men to roll up their buff-coats, and make forced marches without halting day or night, covering double the usual distance at a stretch, doing a hundred li in order to wrest an advantage, the leaders of all your three divisions will fall into the hands of the enemy. The stronger men will be in front, the jaded ones will fall behind, and on this plan only one-tenth of your army will reach its destination. | 《·》: | 巫馬期以星出,以星入,日夜不處,以身親之,而單父亦治。 |
chǔ ㄔㄨˇ (3.2): 留,留下。 Remain, stay.
《·》: | 蓋去者半,處者半。 | On this, one half (of those who had entered) went away, and the other half remained. |
chǔ ㄔㄨˇ (4.1): 治,施行。 Implement, carry out.
《》: | 是以聖人處無為之事,行不言之教。 | Therefore the sage manages affairs without doing anything, and conveys his instructions without the use of speech. |
chǔ ㄔㄨˇ (4.2): 處理,處治。 Handle, process.
chǔ ㄔㄨˇ (5.1): 審度,判斷。 Judge, form a judgement.
chǔ ㄔㄨˇ (5.2): 決定,決斷。 Decide, fix.
chǔ ㄔㄨˇ (6): 分別,區分。 Distinguish, separate.
《·》: | 夫辯者,將以明是非之分,審治亂之紀,明同異之處,察名實之理,處利害,決嫌疑。 | "Distinguishing" will be used to make clear the distinction between so and not-so; investigate the rules of order and chaos; make clear the locations of similarity and difference; examine the patterns of name and stuff; locate benefit and harm, and resolve doubts. |
chǔ ㄔㄨˇ (7): 定準,常。 Standard, rule.
《·》: | 不能教者:志氣不和,取舍數變,固無恆心,若晏陰喜怒無處。 |
chù ㄔㄨˋ (8.1): 處所。 Place, location.
chù ㄔㄨˋ (8.2): 地位,位置。 Position, role.