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Chinese Text Project
Simplified Chinese version


Seal script

Radical:+ 14 strokes = 20 strokes total.
References:Kangxi: p.1101#18 Cihai: p.1200r3c03 GSR: 389.p Hanyu: v4,p2901#03
Composition:Left: , right: .
Mandarin:bīn pín ㄅㄧㄣ ㄆㄧㄣˊ
Cantonese:ban1 pan4
Unihan definition:oyster

Example usage

'The seeds (of things) are multitudinous and minute. On the surface of the water they form a membranous texture. When they reach to where the land and water join they become the (lichens which we call the) clothes of frogs and oysters. Coming to life on mounds and heights, they become the plantain; and, receiving manure, appear as crows' feet. The roots of the crow's foot become grubs, and its leaves, butterflies.
Its tribute consisted of earth of different colours, the variegated pheasants from the valleys of mount Yu, the solitary dryandra from the south of mount Yi, and the floating musical stones from the banks of the Si. The wild tribes of the Huai brought oyster-pearls and fish, and their baskets were full of dark embroideries and pure white silken fabrics.
Its articles of tribute were: earth of five different colours, variegated pheasants from the valleys of mount Yu, the solitary dryandra from the south of mount Yi, and the sounding-stones that (seemed to) float on the (banks of the) Si. The wild tribes about the Huai brought oyster-pearls and fish.

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