Radical: | 襾+ 3 strokes = 9 strokes total. |
References: | Guangyun: p.150#15 p.413#57 Kangxi: p.1128#16 Cihai: p.1226r2c01 GSR: 1142.a Hanyu: v4,p2805#08 |
Composition: | Top: 覀, bottom: 女. Component of: 偠 𠙞 婹 𢃽 崾 𢞅 𬘱 𢰳 𬮲 喓 㙘 㴗 𡠍 嫑 𣉋 𤚘 𤧄 楆 腰 𦝫 [More] |
Mandarin: | yào yāo yǎo ㄧㄠˋ ㄧㄠ ㄧㄠˇ |
Cantonese: | jiu1 jiu3 |
Tang reconstruction: | *qiɛ̀u |
Shuowen: | 《》要:身中也。象人要自𦥑之形。从𦥑,交省聲。 |
Guangyun: | 《···》要:俗言要勒。《》曰:身中也,象人要自由之形今作腰又姓吳人要離之後漢有河南令要兢。於霄切,又一𥬇切,九。 《···》要:約也,於𥬇切,又於招切,三。 |
Kangxi: | 《··》要:〔古文〕𡢗𦥼𠾅《唐韻》於霄切《集韻》《韻會》伊消切,𠀤音邀。《博雅》約也。《》久要不忘平生之言。《註》久要,舊約也。《左傳·哀十四年》使季路要我,吾無盟矣。又求也。《》脩其天爵,以要人爵。又䙅也。《·》要之襋之,好人服之。又會也。《禮·樂記》要其節奏。《註》要,猶會也。《釋文》要,一遙反。又《》勒也。又劫也。《·》上自欲征匈奴,羣臣諫不聽,皇太后固要,上乃止。又劾也,察也。《周禮·秋官·鄕士》異其死𠛬之罪而要之。《疏》要,劾實也。《書·康誥要囚傳》要察囚情,得其辭以斷獄。又衞圻之外,謂之要服。《·》五百里要服。又姓。《通志·氏族略》吳人要離之後,漢有河南令要兢,唐建中朔方大將軍要珍。又水名。《水經注》濡水,又東南流與要水合。又靑要,山名。《》靑要之山,寔惟帝之密都。又高要,縣名。《一統志》屬廣州府。又與腰通。《》身中也,象人要自𦥑之形。今作腰。別詳肉部。又《》於笑切。讀去聲。《篇海》凡要也,要會也。《》先王有至德要道。《晉書·宣帝紀》軍事大要有五。又《》久要,亦讀去聲。《王安石·老人行》古來人事已如此,今日何須論久要。叶入誚韻。又《集韻》伊鳥切,音杳。與騕同。騕褭,良馬名。或作要。又以紹切,音𤕷。與偠同。偠紹或作要紹。舒緩貌也。 |
Fanqie: | 於霄 (《···》) 一𥬇 (《···》) 於𥬇 (《···》) 於招 (《···》) |
Equivalent readings: | 邀 (《··》) |
Unihan definition: | necessary, essential; necessity |
要 |
yāo ㄧㄠ (1.1): 人體的腰部。 Waist.
《·》: | 昔荊靈王好小要,當靈王之身,荊國之士飯不踰乎一,固據而後興,扶垣而後行。 | Formerly, Lord Ling of the state of Jing liked slender waists. In his time people in the state of Jing ate not more than once a day. They could not stand up without support, and could not walk without leaning against the wall. | 《·》: | 忘要,帶之適也。 | To be unthought of by the waist is the fitness of a girdle. | 《》: | 莫敖子華對曰:「昔者先君靈王好小要,楚士約食,馮而能立,式而能起。」 | 《·》: | 天下之勢,方病大尰,一脛之大幾如要,一指之大幾如股,惡病也,平居不可屈信,一二指搐,身固無聊也。 | 《·》: | 一脛之大幾如要,一指之大幾如股,平居不可屈信,一二指搐,身慮亡聊。 |
yāo ㄧㄠ (1.2): 佩帶在腰間。 Wear around the waist.
yāo ㄧㄠ (2): 約束。 Restrict, constrain.
《·》: | 子服惠伯見韓宣子,曰:「夫盟,信之要也。」 |
yāo ㄧㄠ (3.1): 半路攔截。 Intercept.
《·》: | 葛伯率其民,要其有酒食黍稻者奪之,不授者殺之。 | The chief of Ge led his people to intercept those who were thus charged with wine, cooked rice, millet, and paddy, and took their stores from them, while they killed those who refused to give them up. | 《》: | 吳人要而擊之。 |
yāo ㄧㄠ (3.2): 邀請,約請。 Invite, call upon.
《·》: | 萬章問曰:「人有言『伊尹以割烹要湯』」 | Wan Zhang asked Mencius, saying, 'People say that Yi Yin sought an introduction to Tang by his knowledge of cookery.' | 《·》: | 良因要項伯見沛公。 | 《》: | 會鄧禹率車騎將軍鄧弘等引歸,與異相遇,禹、弘要異共攻赤眉。 |
yāo ㄧㄠ (4): 要挾,威脅。 Coerce, threaten.
《·》: | 子曰:「臧武仲以防求為後於魯,雖曰不要君,吾不信也。」 | The Master said, "Zang Wu Zhong, keeping possession of Fang, asked of the duke of Lu to appoint a successor to him in his family. Although it may be said that he was not using force with his sovereign, I believe he was." | 《·》: | 要君者無上,非聖人者無法,非孝者無親。 | When constraint is put upon a ruler, that is the disowning of his superiority. When the authority of the sages is disallowed, that is the disowning of (all) law. When filial piety is put aside, that is the disowning of the principle of affection. | 《》: | 所言不義,不敢以要君。 |
yāo ㄧㄠ (5): 求取,追求。 Seek.
《·》: | 今之人修其天爵,以要人爵。 | The men of the present day cultivate their nobility of Heaven in order to seek for the nobility of man. | 《·》: | 今周見殷之亂而遽為政,上謀而下行貨,阻兵而保威,割牲而盟以為信,揚行以說眾,殺伐以要利,是推亂以易暴也。 | But now Zhou, seeing the disorder of Yin, has suddenly taken the government into its hands; with the high it has taken counsel, and with those below employed bribes; it relies on its troops to maintain the terror of its might; it makes covenants over victims to prove its good faith; it vaunts its proceedings to please the masses; it kills and attacks for the sake of gain: this is simply overthrowing disorder and changing it for tyranny. |
yāo ㄧㄠ (6): 設法取得信任和重用。 Seek to gain trust and favour.
yāo ㄧㄠ (7): 制止。 End, put a stop to.
yāo ㄧㄠ (8): 核實。 Confirm, verify.
《·》: | 辨其獄訟,異其死刑之罪而要之,旬而職聽于朝。 |
yào ㄧㄠˋ (9): 關鍵,要領。 The key, the main point.
《·》: | 法生於義,義生於眾適,眾適合於人心,此治之要也。 | 《·》: | 臨武君與孫卿子議兵於趙孝成王前,王曰:請問兵要? | 《·》: | 逆者亂之招,順者治之要。 | 《·》: | 老子曰:法生於義,義生於眾適,眾適合乎人心,此治之要也。 | 《》: | 竊見度遼將軍馬續素有謀謨,且典邊日久,深曉兵要,每得續書,與臣策合。 |
yào ㄧㄠˋ (10): 主要,簡要。 The important.
《·》: | 此六君者,非不重其國,愛其身也,以不知要故也。 | Now, it is not that these six princes do not value their states or hold their lives cheap, it is really that they do not understand the relative importance of things. | 《·》: | 儒者博而寡要,勞而少功,是以其事難盡從。 | 《·》: | 不能為君者,傷形費神,愁心勞耳目,國愈危,身愈辱,不知要故也。 | 《·》: | 儒者博而寡要,勞而少功,是以其事難盡從,然其敘君臣父子之禮,列夫婦長幼之別,不可易也。 |
yào ㄧㄠˋ (11): 總括,概括。 Summarize.
yào ㄧㄠˋ (12): 終究。 Ultimately, in the end.
yào ㄧㄠˋ (13): 需要。 Need, require.
yào ㄧㄠˋ (14): 將要。 Will, shall.
yào ㄧㄠˋ (15): 想要。 Desire, wish.
yǎo ㄧㄠˇ (16): Same as “” yǎo ㄧㄠˇ: 見“騕褭”。 See "騕褭".