阌 U+960C | 閿 Traditional character |
Radical: | 門+ 8 strokes = 11 strokes total. |
References: | Kangxi: p.1343#12 Hanyu: v7,p4305#05 |
Composition: | Top, left and right: 门, bottom: 受. |
Mandarin: | wén ㄨㄣˊ |
Cantonese: | man4 |
Unihan definition: | wen xiang, Henan province |
Example usage
《》: | 然後侵淫促節,儵夐遠去,流離輕禽,蹴履狡獸,阌白鹿,捷狡菟。 |
《》: | ...狭州石器荆志灵宝县王道杨原张知阌乡县王仲宁张谦郭黼赵规学识出群... |
《》: | ...冊無袋虔則薛氏未敢自信也頌鼎作阌體壺作深敦作受作瀚別有頌敦拓本... |
《》: | ...雨誰字鄭本當作疇《說文·口部》阌誰也經典相承以疇為之《爾雅·釋... |
The highlighted results are from texts in the Wiki section that may not yet have been adequately proofread. Please correct any errors encountered by editing the Wiki directly.You can examine all occurrences of this character or phrase in Pre-Qin and Han texts or Post-Han texts on the site.
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