Chinese Text Project |
陸 U+9678 | Seal script | Jinwen | Jianbo | 六 Specialized semantic variant | 陆 Simplified character | 𤱒 Semantic variant |
Radical: | 阜+ 8 strokes = 11 strokes total. |
References: | Guangyun: p.454#13 Kangxi: p.1355#01 Cihai: p.1427r6c01 GSR: 1032.f Hanyu: v6,p4134#05 |
Composition: | Left: 阝, right: 坴. Compositionally related: 陸 . Component of: 𦸐 𥨁 𥲎 |
Mandarin: | lù liù ㄌㄨˋ ㄌㄧㄡˋ |
Cantonese: | luk6 |
Tang reconstruction: | *liuk |
Shuowen: | 《𨸏部》陸:高平地。从𨸏从坴,坴亦聲。 |
Guangyun: | 《廣韻·入聲·屋·六》陸:髙平曰陸又髙也,厚也,亦陸離參差也,又姓出吳郡河南二望本自古天子陸終後。 |
Kangxi: | 《康熙字典·阜部·八》陸:〔古文〕𤱒《唐韻》《廣韻》《集韻》《類篇》《韻會》𠀤力竹切,音六。《玉篇》厚也。《廣韻》高也。《爾雅·釋地》高平曰陸。《釋名》陸,漉也。水流漉而出也。《易·漸卦》鴻漸于陸。《詩·豳風》鴻飛遵陸。又地名。《孟子》孟子之平陸。《註》齊下邑。又藪名。《爾雅·釋地》晉有大陸。《左傳·定二年》魏獻子田於大陸。又縣名。《隋書·地理志》趙郡大陸縣。又州名。唐置。又漢侯國,在壽光。見《史記·建元以來王子侯者年表》。又𤰞陸,外國名。《前漢·西域傳》𤰞陸國王,治天山東乾當國。又《玉篇》星也。《爾雅·釋天》北陸,虛也。西陸,昴也。《疏》陸,中也。北方之宿,虛爲中也。西方之宿,昴爲中也。《左傳·昭二年》古者日在北陸而藏冰,西陸朝覿而出之。《註》陸,道也。在北陸,謂夏十二月,日在虛危。在西陸,謂夏三月,日在昴畢。又《玉篇》道也,無水路也。《周禮·冬官考工記》作車以行陸。《莊子·則陽篇》方且與世違,而心不屑與之俱,是陸沈者也。《註》人中隱者,譬之無水而沈也。又《玉篇》陸離,猶參差也,雜亂也。《屈原·離騷》斑陸離其上下。又魁陸,水族。《爾雅·釋魚》魁陸,卽今之蚶也。《疏》卽魁蛤也。一名魁陸。又《揚雄·甘泉賦》飛蒙茸而走陸梁。《註》走者陸梁而跳也。又姓。《廣韻》古天子陸終之後。《正字通》齊後有大陸氏,後因姓陸。又春秋陸渾之戎,後亦爲陸氏。又《後漢·馬援傳》今更共陸陸。《註》猶碌碌也。又《唐韻正》音溜。《隂符經》龍蛇起陸。叶上宿下覆。又叶林直切。《郭璞·騊駼贊》騊駼野駿,產自北域。交頸相摩,分背翹陸。《說文》籀文作𨽰。《集韻》作𨽫。 |
Fanqie: | 力竹 (《廣韻·入聲·屋·六》) |
Unihan definition: | land, continental; army; an accounting form of U+516D 六 (six) |
CTP Dictionary
[Show proper names]Example usage
《孟子·告子下》: | 處於平陸,儲子為相,以幣交,受之而不報。 |
When he was sojourning in Ping Lu, Chu, who was prime minister of the State, sent him a similar present, which he received in the same way. | |
《禮記·郊特牲》: | 其醢,陸產之物也。 |
The pickled contents of the ordinary dishes were water-plants produced by the harmonious powers (of nature); the brine used with them was from productions of the land. | |
《揚子法言》: | 言辭:婁敬、陸賈。 |
Words and expression: Lou Jing and Lu Jia. | |
《論衡·率性》: | 陸賈說以漢德,懼以聖威,蹶然起坐,心覺改悔,奉制稱蕃,其於椎髻箕坐也,惡之若性。 |
Lu Jia spoke to him of the virtues of the Han, and impressed him with their holy power, so that he suddenly rose up, and felt remorse. He received the commands of his sovereign, and communicated them to the savages. Against his hair-dress and to his squatting he felt something like a natural repugnancy. | |
《墨子·兼愛中》: | 東方漏之陸防孟諸之澤,灑為九澮,以楗東土之水,以利冀州之民。 |
In the east he drained the great Plain and built dykes along the Mengzhu River. The watercourse was divided into nine canals in order to regulate the water in the east and in order to benefit the people of the District of Ji. | |
《莊子·大宗師》: | 泉涸,魚相與處於陸,相呴以溼,相濡以沫,不如相忘於江湖。 |
When the springs are dried up, the fishes collect together on the land. Than that they should moisten one another there by the damp about them, and keep one another wet by their slime, it would be better for them to forget one another in the rivers and lakes. | |
《道德經》: | 蓋聞善攝生者,陸行不遇兕虎,入軍不被甲兵。 |
But I have heard that he who is skilful in managing the life entrusted to him for a time travels on the land without having to shun rhinoceros or tiger, and enters a host without having to avoid buff coat or sharp weapon. | |
《史記·夏本紀》: | 陸行乘車,水行乘船,泥行乘橇,山行乘檋。 |
When travelling along the dry land he used a carriage, on the water he used a boat, in miry places a sledge, while in going over the hills he used spikes. | |
《詩經·考槃》: | 考槃在陸、碩人之軸。 |
He has reared his hut on the level height, - That large man, so self-collected. | |
《尚書·禹貢》: | 恆、衛既從,大陸既作。 |
The (waters of the) Heng and Wei were brought to their proper channels, and Da-lu was made capable of cultivation. | |
《周易·䷴漸》: | 上九:鴻漸于陸,其羽可用為儀,吉。 |
The sixth NINE, undivided, shows the geese gradually advanced to the large heights (beyond). Their feathers can be used as ornaments. There will be good fortune. | |
《說苑·辨物》: | 山川汙澤,陵陸丘阜,五土之宜,聖王就其勢,因其便,不失其性。 |
《大戴禮記·帝繫》: | 吳回氏產陸終。 |
《白虎通德論·三正》: | 孔子承周之弊,行夏之陸,知繼十一月正者當用十三月也。 |
《新序·雜事二》: | 網弗能止,繳不能牽,碭而失水,陸居則螻蟻得意焉。 |
《潛夫論·救邊》: | 羌獨往來,深入多殺,己乃陸陸,相將詣闕,諧辭禮謝,退云狀,會坐朝堂,則無憂國哀民懇惻之誠,苟轉相顧望,莫肯違止,日晏時移,議無所定,己且須後。 |
《太玄經·法》: | 次五,繘陸陸,缾窴腹,井潢洋,終不得食。 |
《風俗通義·六國》: | 楚之先出自帝顓頊,其裔孫曰陸終,娶于鬼方氏,是謂女漬。 |
《新語·道基》: | 故知天者仰觀天文,知地者俯察地理,跂行喘息,蜎飛蠕動之類,水生陸行,根著葉長之屬,為寧其心而安其性,蓋天地相承,氣感相應而成者也。 |
《蔡中郎集·與人書》: | 陸則對坐,食則比豆。 |
《列子·天瑞》: | 陸盜禽獸,水盜魚鱉,亡非盜也。 |
《鶡冠子·天權》: | 故所肄學兵必先天權,陳以五行,戰以五音,左倍宮角,右挾商羽,徵君為隨,以汉無素之眾,陸溺溺人。 |
《文子·精誠》: | 夫召遠者使無為焉,親近者言無事焉,唯夜行者能有之,卻走馬以糞,車軌不接於遠方之外,是謂坐馳陸沉。 |
《列仙傳·彭祖》: | 姓籛名鏗,帝顓頊之孫陸終氏之中子,歷夏至殷末八百餘歲。 |
《韓非子·有度》: | 加兵於齊,私平陸之都。 |
《慎子·逸文》: | 行陸者,立而至秦,有車也。 |
《管子·揆度》: | 共工之王,水處什之七,陸處什之三,乘天勢以隘制天下。 |
《孫子兵法·行軍》: | 平陸處易,右背高,前死後生,此處平陸之軍也。 |
《淮南子·齊俗訓》: | 其導萬民也,水處者漁,山處者木,穀處者牧,陸處者農。 |
《呂氏春秋·慎勢》: | 水用舟,陸用車,塗用輴,沙用鳩,山用樏,因其勢也。 |
《鄧析子·無厚》: | 夫舟浮於水,車轉於陸,此自然道也。 |
《春秋左傳》: | 初,平王之東遷也,辛有適伊川,見被髮而祭於野者,曰,不及百年,此其戎乎,其禮先亡矣,秋,秦晉遷陸渾之戎于伊川。 |
《逸周書·朱右曾序》: | 凡所訓解悉本前儒而以校訂音釋附焉爰名之曰集訓校釋屬●於道光丁酉又經陽湖同年丁侍讀嘉葆太倉陸孝廉麟書同里葛廣文其仁商榷輒復隨手更定蓋再易●矣今夏案牘餘閒念心力之頗耗感良朋之匡正付之梓人譬左氏傳亦欲待服杜諸儒出而論定云時道光二十有六年丙午夏六月既望識於新安郡齋。 |
《國語·越語上》: | 員聞之,陸人居陸,水人居水。 |
《吳越春秋》: | 越王又問相國范蠡曰:「孤有報復之謀,水戰則乘舟,陸行則乘輿,輿舟之利,頓於兵弩。」 |
《越絕書》: | 陸門八,其二有樓。 |
《戰國策》: | 有陰、平陸則梁門不啟。 |
《鹽鐵論·本議》: | 故聖人作為舟楫之用,以通川谷,服牛駕馬,以達陵陸。 |
《列女傳·霍夫人顯》: | 霍夫人顯者,漢大將軍博陸侯霍光之妻也。 |
《春秋穀梁傳》: | 八月,晉荀吳帥師滅陸渾戎。 |
《漢書·敘傳下》: | 博陸堂堂,受遺武皇,擁毓孝昭,末命導揚。 |
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