Chinese Text Project |
𠍩 U+20369 |
Radical: | 人+ 11 strokes = 13 strokes total. |
References: | Kangxi: p.116#04 Hanyu: v1,p0210#04 |
Mandarin: | yào ㄧㄠˋ |
Example usage
《集韻·卷八》: | ...也杓物之標凖倜倜𠍩癡皃凋半傷也䔙... |
《五音集韻》: | 四顤五吊切長頭十二澆寒浞子名獟狂犬𪖐仰鼻又牛救切𠹑叫也𨎬博雅轊也𥪯竨𥪯髙危也嶤𡽄山貌垚髙貌𠟋削也𠍩倜𠍩癡貌 |
《字彙補·一》: | ...挈𠍨明以切音美𠍨無也𠍩影孝切音要𠍩疑貌倜𠍩疑貌... |
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