Chinese Text Project |
𠯃 U+20BC3 |
Radical: | 口+ 3 strokes = 6 strokes total. |
References: | Kangxi: p.177#02 Hanyu: v1,p0584#08 |
Composition: | Top: 𠙼, bottom: 亅. Component of: 𣆪 |
Mandarin: | wǔ ㄨˇ |
Example usage
《說文解字注(附:六書音均表)》: | 〕逗地●=⿱蓾𠯃,疑當作「𧅸」。 |
《定盦文集》: | ...則紀主於形方七也大治城●=⿱亯𠯃=宮室則紀主於考工八也遭經籍潰... |
《字彙補·二丑集》: | ...𠯈徒在切音代篇海嘗𠯈也𠯃微甫切音武見字辨𠯂... |
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