Chinese Text Project |
𢰸 U+22C38 |
Radical: | 手+ 9 strokes = 12 strokes total. |
References: | Kangxi: p.445#34 |
Composition: | Left: 扌, right: 咼. |
Cantonese: | wo5 |
Unihan definition: | (Cant.) rotten, bad, spoiled |
Example usage
《洪北江詩文集》: | 貢子𧰼貢子𧰼人面刺花人性獷遠邦百載名老𢰸左佩右佩皆雕𤓰别乘數𧰼來中華不嘉遠物嘉誠效|特敕𧰼房增俸料 |
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