越王勾踐 |
yuè wáng gōu jiàn ㄩㄝˋ ㄨㄤˊ ㄍㄡ ㄐㄧㄢˋ : 姓名:勾è¸,在位前496-前494。 King Gou Jian of Yue (ruled 496 BC-494 BC)
Goujian (勾踐) (reigned 496–465 BC) was the king of the Kingdom of Yue (present-day northern Zhejiang) near the end of the Spring and Autumn Period. Goujian was the son of King Yunchang of Yue.
King Goujian's reign coincided with arguably the last major conflict of the Spring and Autumn Period, the struggle between Wu and Yue, wherein he eventually led his state to victory, annexing the rival. As such King Goujian is sometimes considered the last of the Five Hegemons.
《·》: | 故王良愛馬,越王勾踐愛人,為戰與馳。 | 《·》: | 越王勾踐劗發文身,無皮弁搢笏之服,拘罷拒折之容,然而勝夫差於五湖,南面而霸天下,泗上十二諸侯皆率九夷以朝。 | 《·》: | 越王勾踐與吳人戰,大敗之,兼有九夷,當是時也,南面而立,近臣三,遠臣五,令群臣曰聞吾過而不告者其罪刑,此處尊位而恐不聞其過者也。 | 《·》: | 越王勾踐起兵而攻吳,諸侯畏其威,魯往獻女,吾姊與焉,兄往視之,道畏而死。 | 《·》: | 越王勾踐,謀報吳,欲人之勇,路逢怒蛙而軾之,比及數年,民無長幼,臨敵雖湯火不避。 | 《·》: | 越王勾踐再拜稽首曰:「孤聞禍與福為鄰,今大夫之弔,孤之福矣。」 | 《》: | 臣聞越王勾踐以散卒三千,禽夫差於干遂。 | 《·》: | 呂子曰:「神農學悉老,黃帝學大真,顓頊學伯夷父,帝嚳學伯招,帝堯學州文父,帝舜學許由,禹學大成執,湯學小臣,文王武王學太公望周公旦,齊桓公學管夷吾隰朋,晉文公學咎犯隨會,秦穆公學百里奚公孫支,楚莊王學孫叔敖沈尹竺,吳王闔閭學伍子胥文之儀,越王勾踐學范蠡大夫種,此皆聖王之所學也。」 | 《·》: | 越王勾踐破吳歸,義士還鄉盡錦衣。 | 《》: | 越王勾踐民生三子與乳母,孟嘗君對其父:『若不受命於天,何不高戶,誰能及者?』 |