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CTP Dictionary

zhū hóu ㄓㄨ ㄏㄡˊ : 古代帝王分封的各国国君,规定要服从王命,定期朝贡述职。 Ruler of a vassal state during the Zhou dynasty.
Formerly Lord Wen was once in exile and yet later became the leading feudal lord. Lord Huan was once forced to leave his state and yet later became a "tyrant" among the feudal lords. Lord Gou Jian of Yue was once brought under humiliation by the king of Wu, and yet he was later looked upon with awe by the princes of China.
The Master again replied, "Yes; who but princes have to do with ancestral temples, and with audiences but the sovereign?"
You collect your equipments of war, endanger your soldiers and officers, and excite the resentment of the other princes - do these things cause you pleasure in your mind?
Even an ordinary man cannot be readily moved (to action), and how much less the prince of a state!
The princes made raids on each other and harassed the people, but Shennong could not chastise them.
As receiving at court the feudal princes, assigning (to all) their different offices, giving out (the laws and ordinances of) the government, and employing the services of the able, he styles himself, 'I, the one man.'
The lords of the various States, Are unwilling [to appear at court] morning and evening.
Now, when your weapons are dulled, your ardor damped, your strength exhausted and your treasure spent, other chieftains will spring up to take advantage of your extremity. Then no man, however wise, will be able to avert the consequences that must ensue.
This is the filial piety of the princes of states.
Five hundred li (beyond) constituted the Domain of the Nobles. The first hundred li was occupied by the cities and lands of the (sovereign's) high ministers and great officers; the second, by the principalities of the barons; and the (other) three hundred, by the various other princes.
(The trigram representing) the earth, and over it (that representing) water, form Bi. The ancient kings, in accordance with this, established the various states and maintained an affectionate relation to their princes.

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