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Chinese Text Project

CTP Dictionary

wàng ㄨㄤˋ (4): 稱王,統治天下。 Rule as king, control all under heaven.
Now these four kings had been under good influences. Therefore they came to possess the empire and were commissioned Sons of Heaven (Emperors). Their achievements and great fame extended from Heaven to earth.
Therefore your Majesty's not exercising the royal sway, is because you do not do it, not because you are not able to do it.
He would not grasp at the gain of the whole world to be held as his own private portion; he would not desire to rule over the whole world as his own private distinction.
He who attains to the sovereignty of the kingdom, having those three important things, shall be able to effect that there shall be few errors under his government.
Anciently, when Bao-xi had come to the rule of all under heaven, looking up, he contemplated the brilliant forms exhibited in the sky, and looking down he surveyed the patterns shown on the earth. He contemplated the ornamental appearances of birds and beasts and the (different) suitabilities of the soil. Near at hand, in his own person, he found things for consideration, and the same at a distance, in things in general. On this he devised the eight trigrams, to show fully the attributes of the spirit-like and intelligent (operations working secretly), and to classify the qualities of the myriads of things.
So, when Shen-nung taught ploughing and attained supreme sway, the leadership was by means of his knowledge.

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