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Confucianism -> Liji -> Zhongni Yan Ju -> 1

仲尼Zhong-ni 'being at home at ease,'
子张子贡言游with Zi-zhang, Zi-gong, and Yan You by him,
their conversation went on from general matters to the subject of ceremonies.
The Master said,
'Sit down,
you three,
and I will discourse to you about ceremonies,
使。” so that you may rightly employ them everywhere and in all circumstances.'
子贡Zi-gong crossed over (Zi-zhang's) mat, and replied,
?” 'Allow me to ask what you mean.'
The Master said,
'Respect shown without observing the rules of propriety
is called vulgarity;
courtesy without observing those rules
is called forwardness;
and boldness without observing them
。” is called violence.'
The Master added,
。” 'Forwardness takes away from gentleness and benevolence.'

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