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Confucianism -> Liji -> Zhong Yong -> 33.2

It is said in the Book of Poetry,
”,"Over her embroidered robe she puts a plain single garment,"
intimating a dislike to the display of the elegance of the former.
君子Just so, it is the way of the superior man
to prefer the concealment of his virtue, while it daily becomes more illustrious,
and it is the way of the mean man
to seek notoriety, while he daily goes more and more to ruin.
君子It is characteristic of the superior man,
appearing insipid, yet never to produce satiety;
while showing a simple negligence, yet to have his accomplishments recognized;
while seemingly plain, yet to be discriminating.
He knows how what is distant lies in what is near.
He knows where the wind proceeds from.
He knows how what is minute becomes manifested.
Such a one, we may be sure, will enter into virtue.

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