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Confucianism -> Liji -> Biao Ji -> 14

The Master said,
'(The virtues of) humanity appear in three ways.
(In some cases) the work of humanity is done, but under the influence of different feelings.
In these,
the (true character of the) humanity cannot be known;
but where there is some abnormal manifestation of it,
in those the true character can be known.
Those to whom it really belongs practise it easily and naturally;
the wise practise it for the sake of the advantage which it brings;
and those who fear the guilt of transgression practise it by constraint.
Humanity is the right hand; pursuing the right path is the left.
Humanity comprehends the (whole) man; the path pursued is the exhibition of righteousness.
Those whose humanity is large, while their exhibition of righteousness is slight,
are loved and not honoured.
Those whose righteousness is large and their humanity slight
are honoured and not loved.
There is the perfect path, the righteous path, and the calculated path.
The perfect path conducts to sovereignty;
the righteous path, to chieftaincy;
。”and the calculated path, to freedom from error and failure.

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