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Confucianism -> Liji -> Biao Ji -> 21.1

The Master said,
'Long has the attainment of perfect humanity been difficult among men;
君子 it is only the superior man who is able to reach it.
君子 Therefore the superior man does not distress men by requiring from them that which (only) he himself can do,
nor put them to shame because of what they cannot do.
圣人Hence the sage, in laying down rules for conduct,
does not make himself the rule,
使but gives them his instructions so that they shall be able to stimulate themselves to endeavour, and have the feeling of shame
if they do not put them in practice.
(He enjoins) the rules of ceremony to regulate the conduct;
good faith to bind it on them;
right demeanour to set it off;
costume to distinguish it;
and friendship to perfect it
- he desires in this way to produce a uniformity of the people.
It is said in the Xiao Ya (V, ode 5, 3),
"Shall they unblushing break man's law?
。’ Shall they not stand of Heaven in awe?"

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