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Confucianism -> Mengzi -> Li Lou I -> 1.3

'Hence we have the saying:
"To raise a thing high, we must begin from the top of a mound or a hill;
to dig to a great depth, we must commence in the low ground of a stream or a marsh."
Can he be pronounced wise, who, in the exercise of government, does not proceed according to the ways of the former kings?
Therefore only the benevolent ought to be in high stations.
When a man destitute of benevolence is in a high station,
he thereby disseminates his wickedness among all below him.
When the prince has no principles by which he examines his administration,
and his ministers have no laws by which they keep themselves in the discharge of their duties,
then in the court obedience is not paid to principle,
and in the office obedience is not paid to rule.
君子 Superiors violate the laws of righteousness,
and inferiors violate the penal laws.
It is only by a fortunate chance that a State in such a case is preserved.

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