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Confucianism -> The Analects -> Ji Shi -> 10

孔子Confucius said,
君子"The superior man has nine things which are subjects with him of thoughtful consideration.
In regard to the use of his eyes, he is anxious to see clearly.
In regard to the use of his ears, he is anxious to hear distinctly.
In regard to his countenance, he is anxious that it should be benign.
In regard to his demeanor, he is anxious that it should be respectful.
In regard to his speech, he is anxious that it should be sincere.
In regard to his doing of business, he is anxious that it should be reverently careful.
In regard to what he doubts about, he is anxious to question others.
忿When he is angry, he thinks of the difficulties (his anger may involve him in).
。”When he sees gain to be got, he thinks of righteousness."

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