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Confucianism -> The Analects -> Yang Huo -> 1

阳货孔子Yang Huo wished to see Confucius,
孔子but Confucius would not go to see him.
孔子On this, he sent a present of a pig to Confucius,
孔子who, having chosen a time when Huo was not at home,
went to pay his respects for the gift.
He met him, however, on the way.
孔子Huo said to Confucius,
。”let me speak with you."
He then asked,
怀?”"Can he be called benevolent who keeps his jewel in his bosom, and leaves his country to confusion?"
Confucius replied,
?”"Can he be called wise, who is anxious to be engaged in public employment, and yet is constantly losing the opportunity of being so?"
Confucius again said,
"The days and months are passing away;
。”the years do not wait for us."
孔子Confucius said,
。”I will go into office."

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