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Confucianism -> Mengzi -> Jin Xin II -> 77

孟子Mencius said,
'All men have some things which they cannot bear;
extend that feeling to what they can bear,
and benevolence will be the result.
All men have some things which they will not do;
extend that feeling to the things which they do,
and righteousness will be the result.
If a man can give full development to the feeling which makes him shrink from injuring others,
his benevolence will be more than can be called into practice.
穿If he can give full development to the feeling which refuses to break through, or jump over, a wall,
his righteousness will be more than can be called into practice.
If he can give full development to the real feeling of dislike with which he receives the salutation, "Thou," "Thou,"
he will act righteously in all places and circumstances.
When a scholar speaks what he ought not to speak,
by guile of speech seeking to gain some end;
and when he does not speak what he ought to speak,
by guile of silence seeking to gain some end;
穿。” both these cases are of a piece with breaking through a neighbour's wall.'

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