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Confucianism -> Mengzi -> Jin Xin II -> 80

孟子Mencius said,
'Those who give counsel to the great
should despise them,
and not look at their pomp and display.
Halls several times eight cubits high,
with beams projecting several cubits;
these, if my wishes were to be realized, I would not have.
Food spread before me over ten cubits square,
and attendants and concubines to the amount of hundreds;
these, though my wishes were realized, I would not have.
Pleasure and wine,
and the dash of hunting,
with thousands of chariots following after me;
these, though my wishes were realized, I would not have.
What they esteem are what I would have nothing to do with;
what I esteem are the rules of the ancients.
?」 Why should I stand in awe of them?'

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