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Ancient Classics -> Shang Shu -> Xia Shu -> Tribute of Yu -> 6

The Huai and the sea formed (the boundaries of) Yang Zhou.
The (lake of) Peng-li was confined to its proper limits,
and the sun-birds (the wild geese) had places to settle on.
The three Jiang were led to enter the sea,
and it became possible to still the marsh of Zhen.
The bamboos, small and large, then spread about;
the grass grew thin and long,
and the trees rose high;
the soil was miry.
The fields of this province were the lowest of the lowest class;
its contribution of revenue was the highest of the lowest class,
with a proportion of the class above.
齿Its articles of tribute were gold, silver, and copper; yao and kun stones; bamboos, small and large; (elephants') teeth, hides, feathers, hair, and timber.
The wild people of the islands brought garments of grass,
with silks woven in shell-patterns in their baskets.
Their bundles contained small oranges and pummeloes,
rendered when specially required.
沿 They followed the course of the Jiang and the sea,
and so reached the Huai and the Si.

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