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Ancient Classics -> Shang Shu -> Zhou Shu -> Metal-bound Coffer -> 2.1

武王(Afterwards), upon the death of king Wu,
管叔(the duke's) elder brother, he of Guan, and his younger brothers,
:「。」spread a baseless report through the kingdom, to the effect that the duke would do no good to the (king's) young son.
周公 On this the duke said to the two (other great) dukes,
'If I do not take the law (to these men),
。」 I shall not be able to make my report to the former kings.'
周公 He resided (accordingly) in the east for two years,
when the criminals were taken (and brought to justice).
he made a poem to present to the king,
》。 and called it 'the Owl.'
The King on his part did not dare to blame the duke.

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