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Ancient Classics -> Shang Shu -> Zhou Shu -> Against Luxurious Ease -> 1

周公The duke of Zhou said,
君子 the superior man rests in this,
that he will indulge in no luxurious ease.
He first understands how the painful toil of sowing and reaping conducts to ease,
and thus he understands how the lower people depend on this toil (for their support).
I have observed among the lower people,
that where the parents have diligently laboured in sowing and reaping,
their sons (often) do not understand this painful toil,
but abandon themselves to ease, and to village Slang,
and become quite disorderly.
Or where they do not do so, they (still) throw contempt on their parents, saying,
。』」 "Those old people have heard nothing and know nothing."'

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