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Daoism -> Zhuangzi -> Miscellaneous Chapters -> Geng-sang Chu -> 13

The possession of life is like the soot that collects under a boiler.
When that is differently distributed, the life is spoken of as different.
But to say that life is different in different lives, and better in one than in another,
is an improper mode of speech.
And yet there may be something here which we do not know.
(As for instance), at the li sacrifice the paunch and the divided hoofs
may be set forth on separate dishes, but they should not be considered as parts of different victims;
(and again), when one is inspecting a house, he goes over it all, even the adytum for the shrines of the temple,
and visits also the most private apartments;
doing this, and setting a different estimate on the different parts.

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