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Daoism -> Zhuangzi -> Miscellaneous Chapters -> Ze-yang -> 5

孔子Confucius, having gone to Chu,
was lodging in the house of a seller of Congee at Ant-hill.
On the roof of a neighbouring house there appeared the husband and his wife, with their servants, male and female.
子路 Zi-lu said,
?”'What are those people doing, collected there as we see them?'
仲尼 Zhongni replied,
圣人 'The man is a disciple of the sages.
He is burying himself among the people,
and hiding among the fields.
Reputation has become little in his eyes,
but there is no bound to his cherished aims.
Though he may speak with his mouth,
he never tells what is in his mind.
Moreover, he is at variance with the age, and his mind disdains to associate with it
- he is one who may be said to lie hid at the bottom of the water on the dry land.
?” Is he not a sort of Yi Liao of Shi-nan?'
子路 Zi-lu asked leave to go and call him,
孔子 but Confucius said,
He knows that I understand him well.
He knows that I am come to Chu,
使 and thinks that I am sure to try and get the king to invite him (to court).
He also thinks that I am a man swift to speak.
Being such a man,
he would feel ashamed to listen to the words of one of voluble and flattering tongue,
and how much more to come himself and see his person!
And why should we think that he will remain here?
子路Zi-lu, however, went to see how it was,
but found the house empty.

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