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Daoism -> Zhuangzi -> Miscellaneous Chapters -> Tian Xia -> 2.1

To leave no example of extravagance to future generations;
to show no wastefulness in the use of anything;
to make no display in the degree of their (ceremonial) observances;
to keep themselves (in their expenditure) under the restraint of strict and exact rule,
so as to be prepared for occurring emergencies
- such regulations formed part of the system of the Dao in antiquity,
墨翟禽滑釐and were appreciated by Mo Di, and (his disciple) Qin Hua-li. When they heard of such ways, they were delighted with them;
but they enjoined them in excess,
and followed them themselves too strictly.
》, (Mo) made the treatise 'Against Music,'
》,and enjoined the subject of another, called 'Economy in Expenditure,' on his followers.
He would have no singing in life,
and no wearing of mourning on occasions of death.
墨子He inculcated Universal Love, and a Common Participation in all advantages, and condemned Fighting.
His doctrine did not admit of Anger.
He was fond also of Learning, and with it all strove not to appear different from others.
Yet he did not agree with the former kings,
but attacked the ceremonies and music of the ancients.

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