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Histories -> Shiji -> Annals -> Annals of the Xia -> 11

Mount Jing and the south of Mount Heng formed the boundaries of Jingzhou.
The Great river and Han rivers paid their court to the sea.
The nine rivers occupied all the middle of the land.
The Tuo and Qian rivers flowed in their proper channels;
and the land in the Yun and Meng marshes was made capable of cultivation.
The soil of this province was miry;
its fields were the average of the lowest class;
its contribution of revenue was the lowest of the highest class.
Its tribute consisted of feathers, hair, ivory, hides,
gold, silver, copper,
woods of the wild varnish, cudrania, triloba, juniper, and cypress trees,
with grindstones, whetstones, stone arrowheads, and cinnabar,
likewise the Jun and Lu bamboos, and the wood of the redthorn,
of which the three states brought the most noted specimens.
The three ribbed rush was put in cases which were wrapped up,
while the baskets were filled with dark and purple silks and strings of coarse pearls.
From the country of the nine rivers the great tortoise was presented.
You float down the Great river, the Tuo, the Qian, and the Han rivers,
cross over to the Luo,
whence you reach the southern part of the Yellow river.

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