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Histories -> Shiji -> Annals -> Annals of Yin -> 31

诸侯The people murmured, and when the nobles rebelled Zhouxin increased the severity of his punishments, instituting the punishment of roasting.
西伯昌He appointed Chang Chief of the West, the prince of Jiu, and the prince of E his three principal ministers.
The prince of Jiu had a beloved daughter
who was sent in to the emperor,
and when she disapproved of his debaucheries
the tyrant killed her in his rage,
and made mincemeat of her father.
The prince of E objected, and vehemently remonstrated with him,
whereupon he was sliced to pieces.
西伯昌Chang Chief of the West, hearing of all this,
sighed furtively,
崇侯虎but 'Tiger' the prince of Chong, being aware of it,
informed the tyrant,
西伯羑里 who thereupon cast Chief of the West into prison at Youli.
西伯闳夭His servant Hongyao and others
procured a pretty girl, rare curiosities, and fine horses, which they presented to the tyrant,
西伯 who thereupon pardoned Chief of the West.
西伯西The latter went forth and gave the country to the west of the Luo river to the tyrant, and begged that he would abolish the punishment of roasting.
The emperor agreed to this,
and gave him bows, arrows, axes, and halberds,
使 with a commission to start on a warlike expedition.
西伯 He was appointed Chief of the West,
费中 and Feizhong was employed in the government.
费中Feizhong was fond of flattery
and greedy of gain,
so the men of Yin were not attached to him.
恶来 The tyrant also gave Elai an appointment,
恶来 but Elai was fond of vilifying persons,
诸侯 so the princes became more and more estranged from the court.

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