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Mohism -> Mozi -> Book 1 -> Befriending the Learned -> 6

Even the kind ruler
will not show favours to ministers without merit.
Even the affectionate father
will not love his useless sons.
He who occupies a position but is not equal to the task
is not the proper person for the position.
He who draws emoluments but does not deserve the rank
is not the proper proprietor of the emoluments.
Good bows may be hard to draw,
but they can reach great heights and pierce deeply.
Good horses may be hard to ride on,
but they can carry heavy burdens and make long journeys.
Real talents may be hard to command,
but they can be trusted to be envoys to the court of the emperor and to meet the nobility.
Therefore the big rivers do not despise the little brooklets for tributaries.
圣人And great men
do not neglect any menial task
or reject any trifle,
天下 and so they become vessels for the world.
The water in a river
does not come from a single source,
neither is the fur coat that is worth a thousand yi composed of the white fur of a single fox.
Now, to discard those who agree with the right but employ those who agree with one's self
is not the way to be a great ruler.
(Just as) Heaven and earth do not dazzle,
great bodies of water do not boil and foam,
and great conflagrations do not coruscate,
(so) the imperial character does not lift itself up beyond reach.

1. 之水 : Inserted. 孙诒让《墨子闲诂》

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