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Confucianism -> Liji -> Tan Gong II -> 184

哀公使蒉尚Duke Ai sent a message of condolence to Kuai Shang,
and the messenger met him (on the way to the grave).
They withdrew to the way-side,
where Kuai drew the figure of his house, (with the coffin in it), and there received the condolences.
曾子 Zeng-zi said,
蒉尚杞梁 Kuai Shang's knowledge of the rules of ceremony was not equal to that of the wife of Qi Liang.
齐庄公 When duke Zhuang fell on Ju by surprise at Thui,
杞梁 Qi Liang met his death.
His wife met his bier on the way, and wailed for him bitterly.
使 Duke Zhuang sent a person to convey his condolences to her;
but she said,
'If his lordship's officer had been guilty of any offence,
then his body should have been exposed in the court or the market-place,
and his wife and concubines apprehended.
If he were not chargeable with any offence,
there is the poor cottage of his father.
。’” This is not the place where the ruler should demean himself to send me a message.'

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