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Confucianism -> Liji -> Wang Zhi -> 36

The people of those five regions - the Middle states, and the Rong, Yi, (and other wild tribes round them)
- had all their several natures,
which they could not be made to alter.
The tribes on the east were called Yi.
They had their hair unbound, and tattooed their bodies.
Some of them ate their food without its being cooked.
Those on the south were called Man.
They tattooed their foreheads, and had their feet turned in towards each other.
Some of them (also) ate their food without its being cooked.
西 Those on the west were called Rong.
They had their hair unbound, and wore skins.
Some of them did not eat grain-food.
Those on the north were called Di.
They wore skins of animals and birds, and dwelt in caves.
Some of them also did not eat grain-food.
The people of the Middle states, and of those Man, Rong, and Di,
all had their dwellings, where they lived at ease; their flavours which they preferred; the clothes suitable for them; their proper implements for use; and their vessels which they prepared in abundance.
In those five regions,
the languages of the people were not mutually intelligible,
and their likings and desires were different.
To make what was in their minds apprehended,
and to communicate their likings and desires,
(there were officers) - in the east, called transmitters;
in the south, representationists;
西in the west, Di-dis;
and in the north, interpreters.

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