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Confucianism -> Liji -> Wang Zhi -> 65

The kings of the three dynasties, in nourishing the old, always had the years of those connected with them brought to their notice. Where (an officer) was eighty, one of his sons was free from all duties of government service; where he was ninety, all the members of his family were set free from them. In cases of parties who were disabled or ill, and where the attendance of others was required to wait upon them, one man was discharged from those duties (for the purpose).
Parties mourning for their parents had a discharge for three years.
Those mourning for one year or nine months had a discharge for three months.
諸侯諸侯 Where an officer was about to move to another state, he was discharged from service for three months beforehand. When one came from another state, he was not required to take active service for around year.

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