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Confucianism -> Liji -> Xue Ji -> 13

The skilful learner,
while the master seems indifferent, yet makes double the attainments of another,
and in the sequel ascribes the merit (to the master).
The unskilful learner,
while the master is diligent with him, yet makes (only) half the attainments (of the former),
and in the sequel is dissatisfied with the master.
The skilful questioner
is like a workman addressing himself to deal with a hard tree.
First he attacks the easy parts,
and then the knotty.
After a long time,
the pupil and master talk together, and the subject is explained.
The unskilful questioner takes the opposite course.
The master who skilfully waits to be questioned,
may be compared to a bell when it is struck.
Struck with a small hammer, it gives a small sound.
Struck with a great one, it gives a great sound.
But let it be struck leisurely and properly,
and it gives out all the sound of which it is capable.
He who is not skilful in replying to questions is the opposite of this.
This all describes the method of making progress in learning.

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