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Confucianism -> Liji -> Ji Yi -> 36

When feasting the three classes of the old and five classes of the experienced,
天子the son of Heaven bared his arm, cut up the bodies of the victims,
and handed round the condiments;
he also presented the cup with which they rinsed their mouths,
wearing the square-topped cap, and carrying a shield.
諸侯 It was thus he inculcated brotherly submission on the princes.
It was thus that in the country and villages regard was paid to age,
that the old and poor were not neglected,
that the strong did not attack the weak,
and that the members of a numerous clan did hot oppress those of a smaller
- these things came from the Great college.
天子 The son of Heaven appointed the four schools;
and when his eldest son entered one of them, he took his place according to his age.

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