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Mohism -> Mozi -> Book 2 -> Exaltation of the Virtuous I -> 6

Therefore in administering the government, the ancient sage-kings
ranked the morally excellent high and exalted the virtuous.
If capable, even a farmer or an artisan would be employed
- commissioned with high rank,
remunerated with liberal emoluments,
trusted with important charges,
and empowered to issue final orders.
:“For, if his rank were not high, people would not respect him;
if his emoluments were not liberal, people would not have confidence in him;
”,if his orders were not final, people would not stand in awe before him.
To place these three (honours) upon the virtuous
is not so much to reward virtue,
as to bring about the success of the enterprise (of government).
Therefore ranks should be standardized according to virtue,
tasks assigned according to office,
殿 and rewards given according to labour spent.
When emoluments are distributed in proportion to achievements,
officials cannot be in constant honour,
and people in eternal humility.
If a person is capable promote him,
if incapable, lower his rank.
Give prominence to public approval
and keep back private grudges (in the matter of selecting men).
Here, then, is the principle.
服泽So, in days of old, Yao brought forward Shun from Fuzi
and entrusted him with the government,
天下 and the world had peace.
Yu brought forward Yi from Yin Fang
and entrusted him with the government,
and the nine districts became organized.
伊尹Tang brought forward Yi Yin from the kitchen
and entrusted him with the government
and his plans were successful.
文王闳夭泰颠King Wen brought forward Hung Yao and Tai Tian from their rabbit nets
and entrusted them with the government
西 and the Western land showed respect.
Therefore, during those days
the officials of high rank and liberal emoluments
all carefully and anxiously executed their duties;
and the farmers and artisans
all encouraged one another in exalting virtue.
Therefore, the scholars are really to be officials and governors.
As long as there were scholars (in government), the plans (of the ruler) were not defeated
and he had no hardships to endure;
1his name was established and success achieved; his excellence became known and yet evils were not spread.
。” This is all due to the employment of the scholars.

1. 成,美章 : Originally read: "业彰". Corrected by 孙诒让《墨子闲诂》

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