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Mohism -> Mozi -> Book 3 -> Identification with the Superior II -> 13

One of the "Eulogies of Zhou" among the works of the ancient kings says:
"They came to see his Majesty.
。」 Daily they sought the code of propriety."
諸侯天子This describes how in times of old, the feudal lords came to the emperor's court both spring and autumn
天子to receive strict instructions from the emperor
退 and ruled their states accordingly when they returned;
and there was none among those who came under such an administration that dared not submit completely.
And, at that time,
天子 none dared to confuse the instructions from the emperor.
And thus runs an Ode:
"My team is of white horses with black manes.
The six reins look luxuriant.
They trot and gallop.
。」 The considerations (of the emperor) are all-inclusive."
"My team is of dark grey horses.
The six reins look like silk.
They trot and gallop.
。」 The plans (of the emperor) are all-inclusive."
This is to say that
諸侯天子 upon discovering either good or evil the ancient feudal lords always hurriedly drove to the emperor and reported it to him.
Therefore rewards fell upon the virtuous
and punishment upon the wicked.
The innocent was not prosecuted
and the guilty was not set free.
。」 And all this is the result of practising the principle of Identification with the Superior.

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