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Confucianism -> Liji -> San Nian Wen -> 5

This being the case, how is it that (in certain cases the mourning lasts) only for a year?
The answer is,
that in the case of the nearest kindred, there is a break in it at the end of a year.
How is that?
The answer is
- The interaction of heaven and earth has run its round;
and the four seasons have gone through their changes.
All things between heaven and earth
begin their processes anew.
The rules of mourning are intended to resemble this.
Then how is it that there are three years' mourning (for a parent)?
The answer is
- From the wish to make it greater and more impressive,
使 the time is doubled,
and so embraces two round years.
What about the mourning for nine months' and the shorter periods?
使The answer is - It is to prevent such mourning from reaching (the longer periods).

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