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Mohism -> Mozi -> Book 11 -> Geng Zhu -> 4

巫馬子墨子Wu Mazi said to Mozi:
天下"Though you love universally
the world cannot be said to be benefited;
天下though I do not love (universally)
the world cannot be said to be injured.
Since neither of us has accomplished anything,
?」 what makes you then praise yourself and blame me?"
墨子 Mozi answered:
Suppose a conflagration is on.
One person is fetching water to extinguish it,
and another is holding some fuel to reinforce it.
Neither of them has yet accomplished anything,
?」 but which one do you value?
巫馬子:「。」Wu Mazi answered that he approved of the intention of the person who fetches water and disapproved of the intention of the person who holds fuel.
Mozi said: (In the same manner) do I approve of my intention and disapprove of yours.

1. 墨子 : Inserted. 孫詒讓《墨子閒詁》

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