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Mohism -> Mozi -> Book 11 -> Geng Zhu -> 5

墨子耕柱子Mozi had recommended Geng Zhuzi to Chu.
Some (other) pupils visited him.
They were given only three sheng (of grain) each meal
and were not generously entertained.
墨子The pupils returned and reported to Mozi, saying:
耕柱子 "Geng Zhuzi is not profited by serving Chu.
When we visited him,
we were given only three sheng each meal
。」 and were not generously entertained."
墨子:「。」Mozi said: You cannot tell.
墨子Shortly after, (Geng Zhuzi) sent Mozi ten jin of silver,
"Your junior disciple who dare not die
sends herewith ten jin,
。」 which I hope you will use."
墨子 Mozi said:
。」So, indeed, we cannot tell.

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