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Mohism -> Mozi -> Book 12 -> Gong Meng -> 8

墨子公孟子Mozi said to Gong Mengzi:
According to the ceremonial for the death of the ruler, the parents, the wife, and the first-born son,
there shall be mourning for three years.
For the elder uncle, younger uncle, elder brother, younger brother, one year;
and for cousins within the family, five months.
And for the aunt, the sister, the uncle on mother's side, and the nephew on sister's side,
there will be mourning of several months for each.
Many also use the intervals between periods of mourning to read the Three Hundred Poems according to rhymes,
to play them on the string instruments,
to sing them,
and to dance to them.
If your counsel should be followed
君子 when can the gentleman attend to government,
?」 and when can the common man attend to work?
公孟子 Gong Mengzi said:
"When the country is in chaos it should be put in order;
when it is in order, ceremonials and music may be pursued.
When the country is poor work should be attended to;
when it is rich, ceremonials and music may be pursued."
墨子 Mozi said:
A country may be orderly. But it is because it is being well governed that it is orderly.
As soon as good administration is abandoned,
order disappears also.
A country may be rich.
But it is because work is being attended to that it is rich.
As soon as work is abandoned,
wealth disappears also.
Therefore although a country is orderly
it is necessary to encourage unceasing attention to administration.
Now, you say,
when the country is in order,
ceremonials and music may be pursued.
』, But put it in order when it becomes disorderly.
穿This is similar to digging a well when some one is choked
and to seeking a physician when some one is dead.
In ancient times, the wicked kings of the Three Dynasties, Jie, Zhou, You, and Li,
revelled in music,
and did not remember their people.
Therefore they suffered capital punishment
and brought calamity to their empire.
。」 And it was all from following this idea.

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