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Confucianism -> Liji -> Tan Gong II -> 165

Wu made an incursion into Chen,
destroying the (places of) sacrifice, and putting to death those who were suffering from a pestilence (which prevailed).
When the army retired, and had left the territory,
使Pi, the Grand-administrator of Chen, was sent to the army (of Wu).
夫差 Fu Chai (king of Wu) said to his internuncius,
'This fellow has much to say.
Let us ask him a question.'
(Then, turning to the visitor), he said, 'A campaign must have a name.
?」 What name do men give to this expedition?'
The Grand-administrator said,
'Anciently, armies in their incursions and attacks
did not hew down (trees about the) places of sacrifice;
did not slay sufferers from pestilence;
did not make captives of those whose hair was turning.
But now, have not you in this campaign
slain the sufferers from pestilence?
Do they not call it the sick-killing expedition?
The king rejoined,
' If we give back your territory,
and return our captives,
?」 what will you call it?'
The reply was,
'O ruler and king, you came and punished the offences of our poor state.
If the result of the campaign be that you now compassionate and forgive it,
?」 will the campaign be without its (proper) name?'

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