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Song-Ming -> Romance of the Three Kingdoms -> Three Heroes Swear Brotherhood In The Peach Garden; One Victory Shatters The Rebels In Battlegrounds -> 7

张角The plot having thus become known,
the Zhang brothers were forced at once to take the field.
They took up grandiose titles: Zhang Jue the Lord of Heaven,
张宝 Zhang Bao the Lord of Earth,
张梁 and Zhang Liang the Lord of Human.
And in these names they put forth this manifesto:
"The good fortune of the Han is exhausted,
圣人 and the Wise and Worthy Man has appeared.
Discern the will of Heaven, O ye people, and walk in the way of righteousness,
。” whereby alone ye may attain to peace."
张角Support was not lacking. On every side people bound their heads with yellow scarves and joined the army of the rebel Zhang Jue,
so that soon his strength was nearly half a million strong,
and the official troops melted away at a whisper of his coming.
何进Regent Marshal and Imperial Guardian, He Jin,
memorialized for general preparations against the Yellow Scarves,
and an edict called upon everyone to fight against the rebels.
卢植In the meantime, three Imperial Commanders—-Lu Zhi,
皇甫嵩 Huangfu Song,
朱隽 and Zhu Jun—
-marched against them in three directions with veteran soldiers.

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