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Song-Ming -> Romance of the Three Kingdoms -> Three Heroes Swear Brotherhood In The Peach Garden; One Victory Shatters The Rebels In Battlegrounds -> 22

A man of the time named Qiao Xuan
said to Cao Cao,
天下 "Rebellion is at hand,
and only a man of the greatest ability can succeed in restoring tranquillity.
?」 That man is yourself."
And He Yong of Nanyang said of him,
"The dynasty of Han is about to fall.
天下He who can restore peace
。」 is this man and only he."
Cao Cao went to inquire his future of a wise man of Runan named Xu Shao.
:「?」"What manner of man am I?" asked Cao Cao.
The seer made no reply,
and again and again Cao Cao pressed the question.
Then Xu Shao replied,
"In peace you are an able subject;
。」 in chaos you are a crafty hero!"
Cao Cao greatly rejoiced to hear this.
Cao Cao graduated at twenty and earned a reputation of piety and integrity.
洛陽 He began his career as Commanding Officer in a county within the Capital District.
In the four gates of the city he guarded, he hung up clubs of various sorts,
and he would punish any breach of the law whatever the rank of the offender.
蹇碩Now an uncle of Eunuch Jian Shuo
was found one night in the streets with a sword
and was arrested.
In due course he was beaten.
no one dared to offend again,
and Cao Cao's name became heard.
Soon he became a magistrate of Dunqiu.
At the outbreak of the Yellow Scarves,
Cao Cao held the rank of General
and was given command of five thousand horse and foot
to help fight at Yingchuan.
張梁張寶曹操 He just happened to fall in with the newly defeated rebels whom he cut to pieces.
Thousands were slain
and endless banners and drums and horses were captured, together with huge sums of money.
張梁張寶However, Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang got away;
皇甫嵩朱雋 and after an interview with Huangfu Song,
張梁張寶 Cao Cao went in pursuit of them.

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