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Confucianism -> Liji -> Tan Gong II -> 204

季孙When the mother of Ji-sun died,
哀公 duke Ai paid a visit of condolence to him.
曾子子贡(Soon after), Zeng-zi and Zi-gong arrived for the same purpose;
but the porter declined to admit them, because the ruler was present.
曾子子贡On this they went into the stable, and adjusted their dress more fully.
子贡(Shortly) they entered the house, Zi-gong going first.
The porter said to him,
。” 'I have already announced your arrival;'
曾子 and when Zeng-zi followed,
he moved on one side for him.
They passed on to the inner place for the droppings from the roof,
the Great officers all moving out of their way,
and the duke descending a step and bowing to them.
君子 A superior man has said about the case,
'So it is when the toilet is complete!
。” Immediately its influence extends far.'

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