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Confucianism -> Liji -> Tan Gong II -> 212

In a year of drought
穆公duke Mu called to him Xian-zi, and asked him about it.
:「'Heaven,' said he, 'has not sent down rain for a long time.
?」I wish to expose a deformed person in the sun (to move its pity), what do you say to my doing so?'
:「'Heaven, indeed,' was the reply, 'does not send down rain;
!」but would it not be an improper act of cruelty, on that account to expose the diseased son of some one in the sun?'
?」'Well then,' (said the duke), 'I wish to expose in the sun a witch; what do you say to that?'
Xian-zi said,
'Heaven, indeed, does not send down rain;
!」but would it not be wide of the mark to hope anything from (the suffering of) a foolish woman, and by means of that to seek for rain?'
?」 'What do you say then to my moving the marketplace elsewhere?'
The answer was,
天子 'When the son of Heaven dies,
the market is held in the lanes for seven days;
諸侯and it is held in them for three days, when the ruler of a state dies.
!」 It will perhaps be a proper measure to move it there on account of the present distress.'

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